I want a 70 yard pattern

Uncle Jesse

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
Estill Springs
But don't want to shoot past 40 yards. I like to call them in close. That's the fun of turkey hunting

So who's got killing patterns at 70 yards?
Looking for single women in my area that enjoy a good time but I just want to have conversations.

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Just my opinion, but most ideally,
most turkey hunters should be setting up their turkey guns
for the ranges they would normally expect to have the most shooting opportunities.

This is especially true for those of us who prefer to enjoy the game of calling in birds
as opposed to just shooting one in the distance.

For most of us, that ideal range will be much LESS than 40 yards.
And again, just my opinion, but those focusing more towards longer ranges
are doing themselves more harm than good,
as they're increasing their odds for complete misses at the more common ranges.

What I like most about TSS #9 is I can use a more open choke,
and still have a deadly turkey gun out to 45-plus yards.
bloodtrailing":1temtnjk said:
Looking for single women in my area that enjoy a good time but I just want to have conversations.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
That's exactly where I was going with this :smash:
Watched a YouTube video. Feller was getting good patterns at 70 yards so he did a penetration test and that looked good. At the very end of the video he said he wouldn't shoot past 40 yards

I don't understand why it's such a big deal. Must've been Democrats that came up with 40 yards
With my 12 gauge, the gun is capable, but the shooter is unwilling. I'm setting up a 20 gauge currently. I'll be interested to see what it's theoretical max range is.

I don't think anyone here is advocating for 70 yard shots. But worth noting that at 60 yards, the center of your pattern will drop considerably. (1-2 feet). So even if your gun shoots a pattern that might kill a turkey that far, getting the center of that pattern on his head is a whole different thing.
I have left every turkey hunting FB group I was own due to this subject and the stupid "my old winchester with a full choke and remington nito #5s will kill one out to 65 all day of the week" comments as well as the bragging competition that goes on with who can kill one the farthest. It sad to see people just eat that stuff up and not only condone it but to glorify it these days.

I know what my pattern is at 60 with my own loaded 20 gauge TSS9, but I put in a TON of testing and work in a variety of weather just to see what if anything effects pattern from hot to cold and windy to calm. Having said that I have ZERO interest to ever kill one that far and will never glorify someone else for doing so. Im not gonna talk bad or down to someone who does, however we will just agree we have very different pictures of what turkey hunting is and what and why we do it.
Uncle Jesse":17xunw6f said:
Watched a YouTube video. Feller was getting good patterns at 70 yards so he did a penetration test and that looked good. At the very end of the video he said he wouldn't shoot past 40 yards

I don't understand why it's such a big deal. Must've been Democrats that came up with 40 yards
No "Real" Turkey Hunter would advocate shooting past 40 yards intentionally. For starting this thread and posting a statement as ignorant as this, it is obvious to me, that you sir, are not to be taken seriously as a Turkey Hunter.
to be clear, I have ZERO issue with discussing gun patterns and combos etc for whatever distance you like. I actually love the testing and patterning stuff, its one of my favorite things about hunting in general. Just seems that topic always goes a different route with some crowds.

there is a big difference in discussing gun patterns out to 70yds vs shooting turkeys out to 70yds and no they dont have to go hand in hand.
Serious question: Why do the folks want to kill birds that far anyways? Is it they just simply can't get em any closer? Kill at any cost/distance, just get the bird on the ground? Is there some challenge in killing them that far? I mean to ask, why the fascination with long distance gobblers in the first place...is it just to see how far it can be done?

I kind of wish some advocate of 70yd shots would come on here and explain their logic; maybe we're the ones missing out.
Boll Weevil":3lw2iqs4 said:
Serious question: Why do the folks want to kill birds that far anyways? Is it they just simply can't get em any closer? Kill at any cost/distance, just get the bird on the ground? Is there some challenge in killing them that far? I mean to ask, why the fascination with long distance gobblers in the first place...is it just to see how far it can be done?

I kind of wish some advocate of 70yd shots would come on here and explain their logic; maybe we're the ones missing out.

you wont get an honest answer, which is KILLS = Skill. If you are not killing birds you are not a good turkey hunter and you cant post them on forums and social media for all the congrats and appearance you are a skilled turkey hunter. It really is that simple when It comes to turkey hunting no matter what someone may say or try and argue with that.

I always have hated the "tastes the same" approach, cause there is not a man on this site that is so hurt for funds they cant afford to eat.

my thought has always been if a bird hangs up out of range then that just gives me another day to do better and hunt. Nothing like the turkey woods in the morning and Im always sad when I tag out or season is finally over and I cant go anymore.
Boll Weevil":cu3rgt3h said:
Serious question: Why do the folks want to kill birds that far anyways? Is it they just simply can't get em any closer? Kill at any cost/distance, just get the bird on the ground? Is there some challenge in killing them that far? I mean to ask, why the fascination with long distance gobblers in the first place...is it just to see how far it can be done?

I kind of wish some advocate of 70yd shots would come on here and explain their logic; maybe we're the ones missing out.
I will volunteer myself to go before the firing squad here because obviously, I am not a "real" turkey hunter. I have killed SEVERAL birds at 60 yards and I knew my gun and myself were capable of doing it. I've killed more in the 30 to 40 yard range. And yes the ones further out were because they hung up and wouldn't come any closer. Y'all hunt however you want and I'll do the same. It's MY land and I will hunt how I want to, wether I get a bird to 10 yards or no closer than 60, I have the capability to effectively do either one. I don't see the need to prove to anyone that I'm a "expert" because I'm not. Truth be known, if I didn't have a land payment I probably wouldn't even turkey hunt but I feel like I need to take advantage of my resources so I try to kill at least one every year. Some of you guys are worse than the trophy hunters in the serious forum slamming folks who choose to shoot spikes and fork horns, it's their choice. So there's my opinion, fire away, you want change my mind.
Boll Weevil":a1rxo073 said:
Serious question: Why do the folks want to kill birds that far anyways?
It's because they can. People have been touting the benefits of HTL shot on the forums for years. Then include more and more precise patterning chokes and a hunter can get much better performance at a longer range. Now, major manufactures of ammo have made it available to the public. It's only going to get worse.

Also, consider that TN has a 6-week season and a 4-bird limit. It's not like these long distance shooters are going to be cutting their season all that short by shooting them at longer distances.
CATCHDAWG":44zquikb said:
Boll Weevil":44zquikb said:
Serious question: Why do the folks want to kill birds that far anyways? Is it they just simply can't get em any closer? Kill at any cost/distance, just get the bird on the ground? Is there some challenge in killing them that far? I mean to ask, why the fascination with long distance gobblers in the first place...is it just to see how far it can be done?

I kind of wish some advocate of 70yd shots would come on here and explain their logic; maybe we're the ones missing out.
I will volunteer myself to go before the firing squad here because obviously, I am not a "real" turkey hunter. I have killed SEVERAL birds at 60 yards and I knew my gun and myself were capable of doing it. I've killed more in the 30 to 40 yard range. And yes the ones further out were because they hung up and wouldn't come any closer. Y'all hunt however you want and I'll do the same. It's MY land and I will hunt how I want to, wether I get a bird to 10 yards or no closer than 60, I have the capability to effectively do either one. I don't see the need to prove to anyone that I'm a "expert" because I'm not. Truth be known, if I didn't have a land payment I probably wouldn't even turkey hunt but I feel like I need to take advantage of my resources so I try to kill at least one every year. Some of you guys are worse than the trophy hunters in the serious forum slamming folks who choose to shoot spikes and fork horns, it's their choice. So there's my opinion, fire away, you want change my mind.

I don't k ow if this will make sense but I'm gonna try. I don't have so much an issue with someone doing it, it's not what I consider fun or my style of hunting, but I can at least understand it. I have more an issue with after someone does and then boasts or is more happy about the kill then all the tools that are used and required to really be a turkey hunter. For a lack of a better term it is the easy way out for some (not all). Then go onto social media and glorify it to become internet hero. Turkeys are very hard to kill under 40yds and a lot of skill is required most of the time that has nothing to do with a suped up firearm. I just want others to really experience the joy of completion for putting in all that work to be success. I've just hunted long enough to realize success is not measured by the number of turkeys I kill, it's all about the hunt to me. I could kill a truck load just deer hunting them all day, but that's not gonna teach me how to really be a turkey hunter. The most valuable lessons I've learn in the turkey woods are hunts that didn't end in a kill

Again not sure if that makes sense, but it does in my head lol. I don't consider it the same as spikes or button buck topics though because those have alternatives (like just kill a doe if you want the meat) where turkey only has one sex legal to shoot. Bashing someone for shooting a Jake is more in line with that (which that I don't care about)
CATCHDAWG":365ydbx2 said:
^^^ Every turkey I've killed has been a "hunt", I've never just had one come strolling by. And what are these tools you speak of? I carry a shotgun and a wingbone. Nothing else.

Haha ok well not sure I know what to say here. Seems you took a "tools" comment as literal and seem to think a hunt is anything but one just randomly strolling by. Hey it's your land you do as you want.
REN":3qvqclu7 said:
CATCHDAWG":3qvqclu7 said:
^^^ Every turkey I've killed has been a "hunt", I've never just had one come strolling by. And what are these tools you speak of? I carry a shotgun and a wingbone. Nothing else.

Haha ok well not sure I know what to say here. Seems you took a "tools" comment as literal and seem to think a hunt is anything but one just randomly strolling by. Hey it's your land you do as you want.
I know what you meant brother, just stirring. And I'm not arguing with you either but your last sentence is the jest of my original reply. :tu: