If I was running this show.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Turkey season would begin tomorrow April 13th.
This would give many birds the chance to breed .

Season would end on May 5th.
Because 3 weeks is plenty. Plenty of fish need catching boys.

The turkey limit would be reduced to 2 birds.
In my opinion a 4 bird limit is way to high for about 70% of the state. Tennessee is not all Nashville stop acting like it is.

Bring back kill tags.
A while back a was guiding a hunter (he is deceased now) down in Texas. During the course of our morning hunt I asked him how many birds they were allowed in his home state. He replied that his state didn't use kill tags and they could just kill as many as they wanted. Chew on that awhile TWRA.

Hunting would end at 1:00 pm on all wma's except on Tuesday and Thursday when you could hunt them till legal shooting time.
This would allow those birds to trickle back in late afternoon to roost again. Thus keeping our public land turkeys "public" for a few more days every year.

Following a similar management plan and with a little cooperation from MOTHER NATURE herself I believe that our turkey population would stabilize. Missouri stocked many other states with turkeys yet we've decided to more than double there season length and double the limit all with no kill tags. Just doesn't make any since.
I rarely RARELY hunt afternoons on my farm just so the birds can have some peace, feed, loaf, nest, get back together and roost where they like. In the past I hunted MO alot and that's how they did it (at the time they had oodles of birds) citing benefits for a healthy population of birds.
Sounds like a perfect management plan to me.

And right now is when the best hunts are. Lonely mature toms at midday that fire back up and love to come to a call.

Too bad many of them are already dead having been reaped opening weekend.

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And I could live with the entire state cutting hunting off at noon. I wouldn't like it, it doesn't fit my style (I hunt the entire day from 6am till 7pm when I come up, but don't shoot after 5pm in order to roost birds for the next morn) but I think the most significant change would be to push opening date back 2 weeks.

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I am glad you are not running the show SEC! What gets me about some of you guys is this. You do not have to start hunting March 30 but have you? A 3 week season would limit me to 3 days of hunting as I actually have a job and must work each day through the week. Also why no afternoons? I actually do go after work some and find it relaxing not to see a vehicle at every pull in on the public land. How many turkeys do you reckon are killed in the afternoon? Do you think it is detrimental to the population? Also some of you that complain the most contradict yourself constantly. You post up pictures of turkeys you have killed before mid April but that is okay? Then you post up pictures of ones you call up for your buddies every other day. Then claim "I have no turkey's on my farm! Are you serious? Practice what you preach or quit preaching. There is a two buck limit but no one forces me to shoot 2 bucks. You do not have to shoot 4 turkey off your land if you do not want to. I do not reap , use decoys or none of that However explain to me how your dead gobbler is different than a dead gobbler that has been reaped if you kill him before mid April if that is what you are advocating? I would go along with a limit reduction if it is needed but don't limit me to 3 days of hunting and stop me from going a few hours after work. No , I am not selfish just disagree with what you are saying. My point is if you are hunting private as a lot of you are you can already put this plan into action the TWRA does not have to do it for you! I also would like to commend the Twra , keep this in mind we killed over 30,000 birds since 2001 every year untill last. According to what I am seeing the report say 17, 222 so far if that is correct than we are having a good season in my opinion. If that is not correct then I will join the run for the hills crowd and say no turkey's exist in the state ! I usually do not say much and I am not at all trying to be argumentative ,however I feel that I am entitled to my opinion. I will now wait to be ripped apart by the masses! Lol
never understood the argument for kill tags vs how it is now. If you are "THAT GUY" and are not gonna report the harvest the a tag vs online doesnt change anything. IMO there is no in between, either you are a follower of the rules or you are a piece of S that just does what you want. A piece of paper at the end of my license doesnt determine which way I go.
deerfever":3f1947y4 said:
I am glad you are not running the show SEC! What gets me about some of you guys is this. You do not have to start hunting March 30 but have you? A 3 week season would limit me to 3 days of hunting as I actually have a job and must work each day through the week. Also why no afternoons? I actually do go after work some and find it relaxing not to see a vehicle at every pull in on the public land. How many turkeys do you reckon are killed in the afternoon? Do you think it is detrimental to the population? Also some of you that complain the most contradict yourself constantly. You post up pictures of turkeys you have killed before mid April but that is okay? Then you post up pictures of ones you call up for your buddies every other day. Then claim "I have no turkey's on my farm! Are you serious? Practice what you preach or quit preaching. There is a two buck limit but no one forces me to shoot 2 bucks. You do not have to shoot 4 turkey off your land if you do not want to. I do not reap , use decoys or none of that However explain to me how your dead gobbler is different than a dead gobbler that has been reaped if you kill him before mid April if that is what you are advocating? I would go along with a limit reduction if it is needed but don't limit me to 3 days of hunting and stop me from going a few hours after work. No , I am not selfish just disagree with what you are saying. My point is if you are hunting private as a lot of you are you can already put this plan into action the TWRA does not have to do it for you! I also would like to commend the Twra , keep this in mind we killed over 30,000 birds since 2001 every year untill last. According to what I am seeing the report say 17, 222 so far if that is correct than we are having a good season in my opinion. If that is not correct then I will join the run for the hills crowd and say no turkey's exist in the state ! I usually do not say much and I am not at all trying to be argumentative ,however I feel that I am entitled to my opinion. I will now wait to be ripped apart by the masses! Lol
You care if I try and guess your geological location?
Have at it on my location! I just simply disagree , notice I said if needed I would be for a limit reduction . I could also see pushing the season back a week but some of this I just do not agree with.
I really enjoy hunting the out of state WMA's that close at 1. Birds return to normal patterns instead of being chased onto private land. But let's face it, the TWRA has never been about quality public hunting. I would add more quota hunt locations while also reducing the amount drawn per location.

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deerfever":22q7e1e4 said:
However explain to me how your dead gobbler is different than a dead gobbler that has been reaped if you kill him before mid April if that is what you are advocating?

This thread isn't about reaping, but the rationalle has been explained many times. "Reaping" requires absolutely no hunting skill. It simply requires you to belly crawl with a decoy in front of your face. So if there was no reaping, many fewer turkeys would be killed because the googans doing it would be forced to actually hunt turkeys, which requires skill they likely do not possess. Also, "reaping" disproportinately targets dominant field turkeys. Turkeys that are largely unkillable using traditional methods until later in the season after the hens have been bred and start nesting. Those turkeys are responsible for a lot of the breeding that gets done (harems of hens - which is what makes them so difficult to call in). Traditional hunting (calling in turkeys)—especially early in the year— disproportionately targets subordinate/satelite gobblers that do not have hens with them. Therefore killing those tukeys has less effect on the breeding cycle.

The "you don't have to kill turkeys early if you don't want to" argument - though true - is flawed. We kill (or use to kill) 30,000 + turkeys a year. 1/3 or more are killed in the first few days. A handfull of people choosing not to hunt out of principal will have no effect on the statewide problem. Especially when the traditional hunting methods which they generally practice aren't the main problem (see expaination above). To make a difference, changes have to be widespread.
I realize it may not effect statewide but what about the guys complaining and hunting their own farms? Why not implement your own management plan and get your turkey back? If you know what needs to be done why not do it? That is all is I am saying Twra doesn't have to do that for you if you control who hunts your land, If it will not help then what is the point in Twra changing these things for you? Again I have pictures of two gobblers on my personal property, I have not even went and hunted them. Twra didn't make that decision, I did! I also knew the thread was not about reaping but it was mentioned so I just made a point. I know everyone will not agree with me and that is fine!
AT Hiker":3vnbd891 said:

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Unless you are fortunate to have enough property to cover a turkeys home range (really large) then it's pretty hard to manage your own property only to see them shot on the next farm over. I do agree that just because of that doesn't mean you shouldn't try but the results will be pretty minimum for most people
deerfever":3n6oxabp said:
I realize it may not effect statewide but what about the guys complaining and hunting their own farms? Why not implement your own management plan and get your turkey back? If you know what needs to be done why not do it? That is all is I am saying Twra doesn't have to do that for you if you control who hunts your land, If it will not help then what is the point in Twra changing these things for you? Again I have pictures of two gobblers on my personal property, I have not even went and hunted them. Twra didn't make that decision, I did! I also knew the thread was not about reaping but it was mentioned so I just made a point. I know everyone will not agree with me and that is fine!
You must be one of those people that think those 2 turkeys live there whole entire life on YOUR property.
I wish you were running the show. Good post that has logical thought, and conservation principles applied for the ENTIRE State.