If I was running this show.

Spurhunter":2m9xraih said:
Can we stop with the "manage your own property" insanity already? If Joe only kills 2 off his property but his neighbors are stacking them up like cord wood then Joe isn't doing a damnn bit of good.

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I will give a perfect scenario, real life too.

A group of hunters I'm familiar with absolutely wear the turks out every year. They are extremely efficient at killing them, probably well over a dozen minimum every season.
There tactic is simple, find landowners with birds that allow them to hunt. They shoot the flock out and move on.
How do you compete with that? Guess what, they are not the only group I know that implement that method.

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AT Hiker":3t12yroi said:
Spurhunter":3t12yroi said:
Can we stop with the "manage your own property" insanity already? If Joe only kills 2 off his property but his neighbors are stacking them up like cord wood then Joe isn't doing a damnn bit of good.

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I will give a perfect scenario, real life too.

A group of hunters I'm familiar with absolutely wear the turks out every year. They are extremely efficient at killing them, probably well over a dozen minimum every season.
There tactic is simple, find landowners with birds that allow them to hunt. They shoot the flock out and move on.
How do you compete with that? Guess what, they are not the only group I know that implement that method.

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I agree that is a big problem, but let's be careful that we don't tell good ole Al Gore to stop flying his jets and building mansions on the beach that will be flooded, well, like 10 years ago. :rotf:

One of the problems I have with our 4 bird limit is that it (like 3 does a day) gives the perception to everyone Tom Richard and Harry(both in state and out of state) the notion that Tennessee has tons of turkeys to spare. They may not shoot 4 in a season, but it gives people the impetus to kill whatever the can thus adding to the problem.
I swear if someone calls me a liberal one more time I'm leaving tndeer and never coming back!

Y'all a bunch of turkey-reaping snowflakes.

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Sec if you were running the show, the "working man" would have a pretty decent shot at killing a bird in what little time he can be afield.
You guys propose some of the craziest regulations I've ever seen....

If you limit the number to two birds.... isn't that enough?

What on earth does it matter what you kill in the afternoons or in April or the birds BB kills on Wednesday? Two birds is two birds... there's no need for further regulation. To limit the timing of the season to three weeks and only morning hunts completely ruins the season for the working man. To read half of y'alls comments one would think killing a truck load of turkeys is as easy as going out tomorrow and shooting them out of the barrel. I'll be on my 5th hunt tomorrow of my 3rd county... I've been within 100 yards of a male turkey once. I've heard 2 gobbles on 1 hunt. You could make my limit 50, doesn't much matter. Oh!!! And I am hunting all around nashville! Hendersonville, Franklin, Carthage. Plenty of milk and honey, just no turkeys!
Deer fever, a 1 bird limit in 1st week, then a second ( or 3rd) subsequent weeks would also work well.

That would space the harvest out throughout the season instead of stacking the majority in the first 10 days, the most crucial for successful fertilization of hens.

It's all about timing.... right now here in south MS, all adult hens are already setting, and have been for a week or two. Only the jennies are running around just initiating nests. But it is also good for TN to have a few remaining gobblers in the flock early to mid May to service those jennies.

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deerfever":308de2rs said:
I I was talking about Joe who kills 4 , calls up 6 more for his buddies and then complains.
Agree with you on this. This is just like Joe having 8-10 tags, and over years, it recruits, and has recruited more hunters to pursue a limited, and declining resource. Couple that with poor hatches, 4 bag limit than attracts out of staters, and it does not take long to see how a lot of areas have gotten to the shape they are in with fewer turkeys each passing season.

deerfever":308de2rs said:
How about this open a week later, limit of 3 , now stay with me . Only one of your birds could be killed in the first week of the season. This would protect numerous birds from being killed during that first week and get you to mid April with a 3 bird limit. Guys that kill opening day are out til the next Saturday..
I would be for it, as it is a step in the right direction, and kind of mimics Missouri, the leading wild turkey conservation state in the US.