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If you could only carry one call . . .


This is my choice. The "butt naked hen." Stupid name but a fantastic call.

I've never been able to run a woodhaven with as much range and control as I can with this.
One that's with me all the time is Darrin Dawkins aluminum, for any weather, wind, thick late season foliage calling over hills and hollers striking birds to finishing that would be the one i would have to take.
I have a 20 year old hs strut slate. Not pretty, not expensive- just has great sound and doesnt care which striker i use. Not overly loud, but it has presided over many a turkey funeral.
I bought a blue mahoe pot last year and love it. I almost messaged him yesterday and asked him to send me one of those black walnut slate calls he had on his page.
I have a blue mahoe crystal as well and it IS one I carry all the time. I just got a black walnut ceramic and black walnut glass from him this week and man they sound awesome. I normally dont care for ceramic at all but his has a sound I actually like. All his calls are that higher pitch with a 2nd note rasp and thats the sound I personally like.
Jimmy Schaffer makes my favorite pot calls and have felt that way for a few years.
love his calls. Great guy to the little I've been around him. I only carry 2 pot calls and it's because I love them both and one is his blue mahoe the other is the David holloran sugar town sweetness. Like the slate in the bottom of iit.
1 call for a turkey hunter, heresy it is. An old, old Lynch World Championship box call. I've killed two already this year without yelping yet. Early in the season, you all already know they are bunched up and with hens. Unless, you are good enough to call the lead hen to you, she is going to lead that gobbler away from you. A gobbler will come to a gobble box early in the season and in the afternoons all season. The left side will still do a mean sounding hen.

Now, I do not recommend the new stuff for Lynch, it is garbage. It is like the difference from the new Stanley Thermos and the old ones, there just isn't any comparison.

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