If you had a choice

Definitely non-typical. I've killed some very nice typicals over the years, but never a truly bizarre non-typical.
Typical Frame, but with lots of non-typical points, making it truly more unique, but with some symmetry.

Like, bilateral side-kicker tines, multiple stickers near bases, etc.

And say it gross scores @ 190, prefer more of that score coming from mass than the number of mainframe typical tines.

I'd much prefer a mainframe 6-pt book buck than a 12! Can u imagine?!?!
Big clean, massive typical with long tines and 20+" inside spread. However, a couple 10" drop tines with split brows and a spilt G2 wouldn't be bad. Lol.
I must admit I was wrong.
If I was a betting man, I would have put my money on most members wanting non-typical.
Thanks for all the replies.
Typical. Just the frame to break those records are crazy. Love giant 8s to those 140 to 150 class 8 just are impressive to me. Depends on the non typical the one that was killed a couple years ago while impressive was not all that impressive compared to the some of the state records that were there that year at nwtf.
to break the TN state record, would you rather it be typical or non-typical?
I really don't have a good explanation why, but I've always admired the symmetrically even angles with typical racks
I feel the same way. I like big typicals.