If you had a mentor...

Protect your ears throughout life and listen, always. Listen for that very faint tail end of a gobble in the distance. I am always listening and cannot stand for any interruptions, not even my own breathing to hinder my ability to listen in the turkey woods.
Excellent excellent advice
Patient. learn about the turkey, how he lives, what he does, the stages they go thru in the spring. Gerald Lovell taught me more in one season back in the mid seventies, than I would have learned in 20 seasons on my own. He shot a single barrell ten, used mainly a old lynch slate, corncob striker, no fancy equipment. But had more patience, woodsmanship than anyone I knew. He's been long gone for years now, was like a second father. Thank you Gerald.
^^^ tickweed - thanks for sharing. They don't make many like Gerald any more. Getting rarer by the day.
The only mentors I had for turkey hunting or hunting in general are the folks on this forum and another small one that no longer exists. I'm really self taught.

I've learned a lot about turkey hunting on this sub forum, pretty much everything advice wise comes from here. The rest I learned just doing it.
My mentor always told me to be at his house around 8-9am.. lol. He always called soft on that box where you could barely hear it.. Even though I hate to miss a sunrise we usually kill when I go with him..