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Im smelling death

2017 was bad on the plateau
In my two hunting areas in Morgan/Scott counties we lost 2/3-3/4 of the herd. The herds are recovering albeit slowly. I have imposed a no doe shooting policy on myself.

The increase in bear, hog, and coyote populations are keeping our fawn recriutment low. I would like to see increased opportunities on bears.

The state in its infinite wisdom has kept the antlerless bag limits too high in our area. There should be no antlerless deer taken with a modern gun and maybe one allowed with a muzzleloader.

Protect the does and the herd will grow!
Pretty bad right now:


If you had a north wind, you could drop a match at the top of the Sequatchie Valley and it would burn to the Alabama line.

I nearly got stuck in dust the other day.
In my two hunting areas in Morgan/Scott counties we lost 2/3-3/4 of the herd. The herds are recovering albeit slowly. I have imposed a no doe shooting policy on myself.

The increase in bear, hog, and coyote populations are keeping our fawn recriutment low. I would like to see increased opportunities on bears.

The state in its infinite wisdom has kept the antlerless bag limits too high in our area. There should be no antlerless deer taken with a modern gun and maybe one allowed with a muzzleloader.

Protect the does and the herd will grow!
You're exactly right. I'm sure someone from over around Knoxville or Nashville will correct you though 😂

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