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Input on hunting regulations

unless your comment, suggestion, etc. helps the TWRA make money, they will not even consider it.

TWRA is not about the hunters and fishermen and the people who use public land for other reasons, TWRA is about ONE thing


It is so sad to see.
unless your comment, suggestion, etc. helps the TWRA make money, they will not even consider it.

TWRA is not about the hunters and fishermen and the people who use public land for other reasons, TWRA is about ONE thing


It is so sad to see.
It's sad to see these comments/ opinions. Certainly has not been my experience. Do I agree with everything they do, no. Are there things they don't do I think they should, yes.

TWRA is not about the money unless you are referring to funding. They don't have enough.
When you figure dollars per acre it is sad that we don't afford them much more in exchange for all they do and have done for all wildlife and all users. They have to try to manage for results while serving all people's interest. They do this on a paper thin budget. Many of you spend more per acre on managing a lease than the state has available in comparison. As a private manager my budget per acre is a Mercedes compared to TWRA's yugo! That is not the Fault of TWRA. It comes down to resources made available by the TAXPAYERS of the state.
Everyone here should suggest how TWRA could increase their revenue stream and how additional monies could be earmarked for specific projects or spent in the general operations budget. Remember that the money's spent for songbirds are just as important as those spent on wild turkeys! Soil conservation on wma's is just as critical as water quality in your favorite fishing hole. Y'all really need to see the whole picture for it is far greater than most of you know.
I would suggest where they could put their new opportunities they created in terms of waterfowl hunting in TN.
They already know though.

Missouri will be glad to take my money necks year though.
I know that the officers and managers hear and consider ALL reasonable considerations. If you want a longer or shorter season, 3 or 10 buck limit, if you want quail season to open later or earlier by all means put that kind of stuff in writing, then give a good reasonable explanation of why you want it and how it will improve the resource and provide opportunity to hunters and fisherman across the state. I guarantee it will be read and considered. The more reasonable voices on a topic the more weight it carries. If you ask for a grizzly bear season or pterodactyl season it's obviously not going to be considered.
They ARE all read.
It's sad to see these comments/ opinions. Certainly has not been my experience. Do I agree with everything they do, no. Are there things they don't do I think they should, yes.

TWRA is not about the money unless you are referring to funding. They don't have enough.
When you figure dollars per acre it is sad that we don't afford them much more in exchange for all they do and have done for all wildlife and all users. They have to try to manage for results while serving all people's interest. They do this on a paper thin budget. Many of you spend more per acre on managing a lease than the state has available in comparison. As a private manager my budget per acre is a Mercedes compared to TWRA's yugo! That is not the Fault of TWRA. It comes down to resources made available by the TAXPAYERS of the state.
Everyone here should suggest how TWRA could increase their revenue stream and how additional monies could be earmarked for specific projects or spent in the general operations budget. Remember that the money's spent for songbirds are just as important as those spent on wild turkeys! Soil conservation on wma's is just as critical as water quality in your favorite fishing hole. Y'all really need to see the whole picture for it is far greater than most of you know.
I'd say that lil clear cutting operation they are pushing forward on the Bridgestone WMA should provide plenty of funding. Tone doesn't come across well via text so let me be clear, that's a dumpster fire...
I'd say that lil clear cutting operation they are pushing forward on the Bridgestone WMA should provide plenty of funding. Tone doesn't come across well via text so let me be clear, that's a dumpster fire...
In comparison, seriously $7.5 million over 10 years is not significant in the overall budget picture. They would be doing well If the dollars received were earmarked for the property that generated it as I am sure most is spent behind the logging to establish the habitat so badly needed to encourage the species that are native here, that can thrive there.
It's sad to see these comments/ opinions. Certainly has not been my experience. Do I agree with everything they do, no. Are there things they don't do I think they should, yes.

TWRA is not about the money unless you are referring to funding. They don't have enough.
When you figure dollars per acre it is sad that we don't afford them much more in exchange for all they do and have done for all wildlife and all users. They have to try to manage for results while serving all people's interest. They do this on a paper thin budget. Many of you spend more per acre on managing a lease than the state has available in comparison. As a private manager my budget per acre is a Mercedes compared to TWRA's yugo! That is not the Fault of TWRA. It comes down to resources made available by the TAXPAYERS of the state.
Everyone here should suggest how TWRA could increase their revenue stream and how additional monies could be earmarked for specific projects or spent in the general operations budget. Remember that the money's spent for songbirds are just as important as those spent on wild turkeys! Soil conservation on wma's is just as critical as water quality in your favorite fishing hole. Y'all really need to see the whole picture for it is far greater than most of you know.

There is no way you can tell me that much, if not most of what the TWRA proposes and does is not about the money. The sad part is hunters and fishermen and the most important part, the fish and wildlife suffer because of it.

The duck blind garbage is the latest money making scheme they implemented. Benefits no one and does not change anything about the sad state of duck hunting in this state. That crap is completely unbelievable. The guy at the TWRA who helped set that garbage even admitted it is a liberal, socialist dream that has nothing to do with improving duck hunting or numbers of ducks. Not sure what can be done but doing what they did is a waste of time and money, main example, TWRA is building and maintaining blinds? Really? How long is that going to last? And as you said, they operate on a TIGHT??? budget but they have a thousands of dollars (if the cost I heard is right, a few hundred thousand dollars) "extra" to build and maintain duck blinds? Seriously?

They should for sure put more money into the game wardens. They are understaffed, underpaid, and overworked. The fish and wildlife are suffering because of it, especially the fisheries. The illegal alien, immigrant population are raping the fisheries of the state, every SINGLE day and basically nothing is being done. Below any dam in the state they are there, almost 24/7, generally with a 5 gallon bucket, and every single fish they catch goes into the bucket. I see crap on Priest that blows my mind.

I bet you will tell me to report it, call it in. That is waste of time. Myself and so many of my friends have basically given up (and not because we didn't try) after literally thousands of calls, request for help, trying to turn them in, etc. and almost nothing ever happening, what is the reason for even trying.
I got lucky and a couple of officers were able to show up and check a couple hispanic guys a few years ago. They had baskets full of fish, none were legal to keep, zero fish (bass and hybrids) were legal. They wrote them tickets. 2 days later they were back in the same spot with their baskets and catching and keeping fish. No officers were available to check them. They were there most every afternoon for the next couple weeks, never checked again that I know of.

I have watched illegal aliens, immigrants, etc. whatever catch bunches of illegal hybrids (all were no where close to 15") run them to someone on the bank, give them all the hybrids they had, go back and catch more. This happened for several mornings in a row. Reported it several times. As far as I know they were never checked. In the spring, they are on priest, day and night, sit on spots, never leave, I believe at times they are rotating people fishing, and I have never seen them checked.

The illegal alien, immigrant population have boats and jet skis and I am not against them having them or them fishing, and fishing all they want, just be legal, or heck even close to legal would be nice. Also, get educated. they are not only unsafe, they are dangerous. And when I have talked to them, I have given up on that to unless they come close to hurting myself or people with me because of their ignorance and stupidity, I am always polite, calm and ask them if they know what the law is or do they know how dangerous what they are doing is. One guy that picked up a rock and said he was going to kill me almost ran over a child on a float in a no wake zone on a jet ski. I was cussed because to 2 egyptians or something got mad because not only were they running their jet ski wide open around 4 corners boat dock, between docks in front of the boat ramp, buzzed a couple kayakers, but did not have life jackets on and told me they didn't have to have them. Many times, and they either do not speak good english or no english at all, they are tanning, swimming, etc. on the boat ramp and the floating dock. They refuse to move, I have been told to use another ramp, etc. it is crazy. I saw an aluminum boat full of orientals, no english, at least they acted like they didn't understand, boat full, not a large boat, kids in peoples laps, couple of babies, and not one life jacket, not one and they had no clue. Like I said I have pics and videos but I have not seen one thing done. Not one and in the summer time it is beyond belief on Priest.

There used to be crops on the WMA's, food for the ducks on the WMA's, etc. Nothing. As I have told before, I was close friends with Mary Motlow, she personally told me that the reason why Cumberland Springs WMA ended is because the TWRA did nothing, not a thing other than sell licenses to hunt. She told me that as far as she knew, she was connected to a lot of people, that the TWRA worries about one thing, MONEY.

Long Hunter state park, no hunting, well they have a small draw hunt, I haven't even thought about it, it is not set up very well at all IMO.
But you are not allowed to park at the end of a road and fish from the bank, you will be run off by the ranger. Maybe that ranger is gone, but one of my friends pulled his boat on the bank out of the wind, Bakers Grove point, and walked to the windy area to fish and the ranger ran him off. Told him and the others parking at the end of the road they had to park at visitors center and walk to the point to fish. It is a 3 or 4 mile walk. I did not believe it at first, but at the right time that point would be covered up with people fishing. In the last 8 years or so, I have seen 3 people fishing from the bank on that point.
In comparison, seriously $7.5 million over 10 years is not significant in the overall budget picture. They would be doing well If the dollars received were earmarked for the property that generated it as I am sure most is spent behind the logging to establish the habitat so badly needed to encourage the species that are native here, that can thrive there.
I don't think clear cutting timber in a WMA is the right approach. If there wasn't a financial incentive in this deal for TWRA, they wouldn't be considering it. The proposed area is pretty pristine, a logging operation in there will jack it up. Additionally, with the water flowing through there, the impact could be felt miles and miles downstream. I'm not a tree hugger by any stretch of the imagination but, I think this is a bad idea.
unless your comment, suggestion, etc. helps the TWRA make money, they will not even consider it.

TWRA is not about the hunters and fishermen and the people who use public land for other reasons, TWRA is about ONE thing


It is so sad to see.
Nope, your response is laughable. They have done so many things and passed so many laws for the intent of making money it is not even funny, it is sad. Then the money they get they misuse it, largest example, TWRA is going to either build duck blinds or have them built and maintain them, that is laughable. TWRA has become the federal government.

Publishing an article in your latest magazine about bringing back quail hunting (I am all for that and awesome idea) but making it sound like it is such a great, NEW idea when the quail population has been non existent for close to 30 years, yep laughable.

Allowing illegal aliens and the immigrant population to continue DESTROYING the fisheries in the entire state, yep laughable. It is sad to see what is happening and the safety issues at the lake are unbelievable. Not putting more money toward law enforcement and getting the overworked game wardens some help, yep laughable.

This a personal issue with me, although I know of several who completely agree, but having a "trophy hunt", archery only, and not allowing a mature buck, the 9 point or better rule, while at the same time allowing the killing of spikes there? Really? What nutjob thought that up, along with other people hunt and can kill whatever they want? I never put in for it, but from what I have been told it would be very possible to have 140" or better 8 ptr walk by and you cannot legally attempt to kill that deer but a 100" deer with 9 points or more walks by and you can kill it? On an archery hunt? Sorry just wrong.

Having a management area with a lake on it, but you are NOT allowed to use a boat to get to hunting spot? Really? Especially when then aren't that many people fishing?

TWRA had access to land, Cumberland Springs WMA, but got it taken away by the owner because the TWRA did nothing with the land. Yes the landowner personally told me this.

I support and try to help the game wardens in any way I can, I am being told of a couple who do nothing who are worthless, I told my friends who told me that to report them. The ones I have dealt with have always been great and they do their best there are no where near enough of them. Not even close.

The TWRA itself though has become laughable. There were many issues before, but the duck blind crap sealed the deal. There is absolutely ZERO sense in anything they did with the duck blind drawings. And don't say it was because people bought and sold blinds. That could have been stopped easily. To implement the crap they and even be told by a TWRA employee (who helped come up the garbage) state to me that the new system was solely for the purpose of being fair (EVERYBODY GETS A TROPHY), no conservation, no helping the ducks, nothing, well they are charging more for the opportunity to draw, so they are making money. Well after they build and maintain blinds, no way are they making money or they are NOT being honest about having a tight budget.

I could go on and on.
You are laughable, Sam, to say that all they care about is the money.

TWRA IS NOT perfect.

I have been a frequent enough critic that I likely am persona non grata over at Ellington. But, to paint with such a broad brush is 100% wrong.

It is ok to have issues with them. Some of the ones that you are so butthurt over were beyond their ability to fix. Others, maybe not so much. But, to say something that stupid removes any hope of believability about some of the things you are correct on.
You are laughable, Sam, to say that all they care about is the money.

TWRA IS NOT perfect.

I have been a frequent enough critic that I likely am persona non grata over at Ellington. But, to paint with such a broad brush is 100% wrong.

It is ok to have issues with them. Some of the ones that you are so butthurt over were beyond their ability to fix. Others, maybe not so much. But, to say something that stupid removes any hope of believability about some of the things you are correct on.
Nope, not laughable and it doesn't remove credibility. If it does then the TWRA needs to do something do address, because most every single person I know feels the exact same way. Hunters and fishermen. Actually I do not know if I even know anyone who does not feel the same way. Of course they don't do every single thing with only how to make more money in mind, but it is NOT far from it. Ask most any hunter or fisherman you know, I know it will not be 100 percent, but a it will be a majority that will say most of the decisions are made based on how much money the TWRA can make.

And what I have heard the most from the TWRA when you ask them about food plots, law enforcement (which at the moment is LAUGHABLE, not the officers, they are great from all I know, but the lack of officers, or improving boat ramps or safety on the lakes, ALL I ever hear "the TWRA does not have the money, we operate on a tight budget".

But they have the money to go build and MAINTAIN duck blinds? Really? For me that is the icing on the proverbial cake. The fisheries in this state are being raped every single day and I believe the few officers are doing all they can, but for the TWRA to waste time and money on the duck blind BS and not worry about what is happening to most every lake, river and dam in the state? That is just wrong and they most if no all credibility with me and many, many others I know.