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Input on hunting regulations

So glad I can't see the offending response (green stripe). And if SCN thinks he's persona non grata at Ellington, I must be Satan himself over there! But just as much as I've criticized the TWRA over the years, I will also defend them on many topics, one of them being the state of our deer herds. Short of CWD, which the TWRA tried desperately to keep out of our state, I think the state's deer herds are in the best shape of my time hunting in TN (since 1987). That said, I will also give credit where credit is due, and that is to TN's deer hunters. THEY are the ones who have physically managed the deer herd into the shape it is in, withing the parameters set by the TWRA.

Are there aspects of our seasons and limits I don't like? Sure. But if I made recommendations about how I would change them, I would just be looking at my own situation. The changes I propose to improve hunting opportunities in my area might be harmful in a different area, especially those parts of TN with a very late peak of breeding. I'm glad I'm not the one having to set seasons and bag limits for hunters who have a local "peak of the rut" ranging anywhere from early November to mid-January. That has got to be extremely frustrating for the TWRA.
You are laughable, Sam, to say that all they care about is the money.

TWRA IS NOT perfect.

I have been a frequent enough critic that I likely am persona non grata over at Ellington. But, to paint with such a broad brush is 100% wrong.

It is ok to have issues with them. Some of the ones that you are so butthurt over were beyond their ability to fix. Others, maybe not so much. But, to say something that stupid removes any hope of believability about some of the things you are correct on.
It makes me sad because I know a handful of the TWRA guys and they all are hunters and fishermen themselves. They care about wildlife and are woefully understaffed and undersupported for what they are asked to do.

I also think many who blame TWRA lack the understanding of who actually makes the rules.
I will not say they don't have a very difficult job in "satisfying" an entire state of hunters and fishermen. That is most likely impossible.

But to watch the fisheries of the state being destroyed, the number of laws being broken, size restrictions, bag limits, illegal means (yes there are immigrants and illegal aliens who throw nets for game fish) and even worse, the safety issues, most every single day of the summer you can see multiple law violations on lakes, especially in regards to safety. To see the boat ramps, always has been some that were bad, but most every boat ramp I use in the past couple years are crime ridden and garbage dumps, and nothing is being done, NOTHING.

And the TWRA is begging all the time for more money but they don't even use good sense in using what they already have? IE, TWRA says let's go pay for building duck blinds and maintain them, really? Let's stop having food planted for wildlife all over the state, yeah that will help the deer and the ducks. Let's give away hunting land, public hunting land at that, that is an even better the TWRA had. The TWF is useless to. They did nothing absolutely nothing in keeping the hunting land next to Hurricane Creek in LaVergne, and it is the not the fact that they did nothing. It is the fact that the TWF told me personally along with several other people ALL that they were going to do, land would be traded out, they would stop the greenway, etc. and did not even remotely do one thing they said they would. Don't forget let's implement a kill ALL the deer program to address CWD that has already been tried in several states, that had ZERO effect on CWD and the only result was the killing of a ton of deer. That is a well thought out approach. I was told by a TWRA rep at one of the deer meetings they had around the state a couple years ago, that coyotes and buzzards could spread CWD through feces but that hawks and eagles could not. Hawks and eagles kill CWD somehow when they eat from a CWD positive animal? If so, maybe there should be studies into how hawks and eagles do that.

I was told by a game warden, he is no longer employed, that the reason why they do not check the illegal alien, immigrant population for fishing violations much is that illegal alien immigrant population had started buying licenses. The fact that they not only break fishing laws, but don't even pay attention to game laws, means nothing.

I know one warden who caught 3 illegals "turkey" hunting a WMA in June. One had a 22, one had an AR and one a bolt action rifle. Yep, they would never break a law. I know of some who have had to deal with Hmong population up north. They are terrible. Private land, leased land, etc. does not exist in their world. Game laws don't exist. They will slaughter a deer herd and hunt where ever they want.

We have a "dumpster" fire happening most everyday concerning fishing and hunting and basically nothing is being done. Well, the game wardens try, but compared to the laws being broken and the safety issues, it is like nothing is being done. There is already so much that has changed and been damaged and may not change back because the raping of the fisheries in our state.
So glad I can't see the offending response (green stripe). And if SCN thinks he's persona non grata at Ellington, I must be Satan himself over there! But just as much as I've criticized the TWRA over the years, I will also defend them on many topics, one of them being the state of our deer herds. Short of CWD, which the TWRA tried desperately to keep out of our state, I think the state's deer herds are in the best shape of my time hunting in TN (since 1987). That said, I will also give credit where credit is due, and that is to TN's deer hunters. THEY are the ones who have physically managed the deer herd into the shape it is in, withing the parameters set by the TWRA.

Are there aspects of our seasons and limits I don't like? Sure. But if I made recommendations about how I would change them, I would just be looking at my own situation. The changes I propose to improve hunting opportunities in my area might be harmful in a different area, especially those parts of TN with a very late peak of breeding. I'm glad I'm not the one having to set seasons and bag limits for hunters who have a local "peak of the rut" ranging anywhere from early November to mid-January. That has got to be extremely frustrating for the TWRA.
Yep, that is interesting, I am sure I am the green stripe. But though we have disagree and still disagree on things, I still think of Steve as a friend and when I visit fly south he is always nice and we talk fishing and hunting just fine, and if Steve needed help in life, I would be glad to help. To me that is what freedom in this country is very much about. Being able to disagree but still be friends, so many on this website (and especially in the whole world today) feel that once you disagree with them, have a different opinion or especially prove them wrong on occasion, then they are your enemy for life. I know I am wrong, have been many, many times in my life and when I screw up I am and will be the first to admit it.

Most importantly, when someone has a different opinion, thinks differently than me, I will discuss, argue, etc. the differences with them, but at the end of the day, do I still consider them a friend and would be glad to help them if i could? For sure.

One of the main things WRONG with our world today, is if you disagree with someone, feel differently, have a different opinion, etc. then some people AUTOMATICALLY consider that person an "enemy, someone to be hated, ignored, etc." for life. That is so wrong in my opinion. And especially on the internet or social media, so many get in arguments even "fight over the internet" and if they met in real life they very likely would be friends and realize the person they "think" they know on social media is not who they are in real life. I know that has happened many times with me, both ways. Either I thought the person was someone I would could never get along with, only to meet them and we get along great or someone has had thought bad of me, only we end up being great friends when we meet in person.
There is no way you can tell me that much, if not most of what the TWRA proposes and does is not about the money. The sad part is hunters and fishermen and the most important part, the fish and wildlife suffer because of it.

The duck blind garbage is the latest money making scheme they implemented. Benefits no one and does not change anything about the sad state of duck hunting in this state. That crap is completely unbelievable. The guy at the TWRA who helped set that garbage even admitted it is a liberal, socialist dream that has nothing to do with improving duck hunting or numbers of ducks. Not sure what can be done but doing what they did is a waste of time and money, main example, TWRA is building and maintaining blinds? Really? How long is that going to last? And as you said, they operate on a TIGHT??? budget but they have a thousands of dollars (if the cost I heard is right, a few hundred thousand dollars) "extra" to build and maintain duck blinds? Seriously?

They should for sure put more money into the game wardens. They are understaffed, underpaid, and overworked. The fish and wildlife are suffering because of it, especially the fisheries. The illegal alien, immigrant population are raping the fisheries of the state, every SINGLE day and basically nothing is being done. Below any dam in the state they are there, almost 24/7, generally with a 5 gallon bucket, and every single fish they catch goes into the bucket. I see crap on Priest that blows my mind.

I bet you will tell me to report it, call it in. That is waste of time. Myself and so many of my friends have basically given up (and not because we didn't try) after literally thousands of calls, request for help, trying to turn them in, etc. and almost nothing ever happening, what is the reason for even trying.
I got lucky and a couple of officers were able to show up and check a couple hispanic guys a few years ago. They had baskets full of fish, none were legal to keep, zero fish (bass and hybrids) were legal. They wrote them tickets. 2 days later they were back in the same spot with their baskets and catching and keeping fish. No officers were available to check them. They were there most every afternoon for the next couple weeks, never checked again that I know of.

I have watched illegal aliens, immigrants, etc. whatever catch bunches of illegal hybrids (all were no where close to 15") run them to someone on the bank, give them all the hybrids they had, go back and catch more. This happened for several mornings in a row. Reported it several times. As far as I know they were never checked. In the spring, they are on priest, day and night, sit on spots, never leave, I believe at times they are rotating people fishing, and I have never seen them checked.

The illegal alien, immigrant population have boats and jet skis and I am not against them having them or them fishing, and fishing all they want, just be legal, or heck even close to legal would be nice. Also, get educated. they are not only unsafe, they are dangerous. And when I have talked to them, I have given up on that to unless they come close to hurting myself or people with me because of their ignorance and stupidity, I am always polite, calm and ask them if they know what the law is or do they know how dangerous what they are doing is. One guy that picked up a rock and said he was going to kill me almost ran over a child on a float in a no wake zone on a jet ski. I was cussed because to 2 egyptians or something got mad because not only were they running their jet ski wide open around 4 corners boat dock, between docks in front of the boat ramp, buzzed a couple kayakers, but did not have life jackets on and told me they didn't have to have them. Many times, and they either do not speak good english or no english at all, they are tanning, swimming, etc. on the boat ramp and the floating dock. They refuse to move, I have been told to use another ramp, etc. it is crazy. I saw an aluminum boat full of orientals, no english, at least they acted like they didn't understand, boat full, not a large boat, kids in peoples laps, couple of babies, and not one life jacket, not one and they had no clue. Like I said I have pics and videos but I have not seen one thing done. Not one and in the summer time it is beyond belief on Priest.

There used to be crops on the WMA's, food for the ducks on the WMA's, etc. Nothing. As I have told before, I was close friends with Mary Motlow, she personally told me that the reason why Cumberland Springs WMA ended is because the TWRA did nothing, not a thing other than sell licenses to hunt. She told me that as far as she knew, she was connected to a lot of people, that the TWRA worries about one thing, MONEY.

Long Hunter state park, no hunting, well they have a small draw hunt, I haven't even thought about it, it is not set up very well at all IMO.
But you are not allowed to park at the end of a road and fish from the bank, you will be run off by the ranger. Maybe that ranger is gone, but one of my friends pulled his boat on the bank out of the wind, Bakers Grove point, and walked to the windy area to fish and the ranger ran him off. Told him and the others parking at the end of the road they had to park at visitors center and walk to the point to fish. It is a 3 or 4 mile walk. I did not believe it at first, but at the right time that point would be covered up with people fishing. AIn the last 8 years or so, I have seen 3 people fishing from the bank on that point.
Welcome to diversity isn't it grand. Just trust me soon you won't be able to catch a bluegill. Because they all will be gone. I've seen it in several places. I read a story a while back that they are bussing them in under the cover of darkness. And they are picking places that are not considered diverse enough to drop them off. Most are illiterate in there own language much less English. And no they can't speak English. Doing jobs Americans just won't do. Well that's just a complete lie. Friends of mine that have had there own businesses for years. Have had to shut down. Because they are being undercut by illegals. Here's a list jobs Americans just won't do. Framing,Roofing,Drywall,lawn Maintenance, that's just in my little area of east Tn. Friends told me they could barley buy the materials for what they would do the entire job for. But that part I cannot blame on the TWRA. We have been sold out by our federal government and state and local governments for years now. We all have been castrated by political correctness and our governments are standing their holding the blade.
Welcome to diversity isn't it grand. Just trust me soon you won't be able to catch a bluegill. Because they all will be gone. I've seen it in several places. I read a story a while back that they are bussing them in under the cover of darkness. And they are picking places that are not considered diverse enough to drop them off. Most are illiterate in there own language much less English. And no they can't speak English. Doing jobs Americans just won't do. Well that's just a complete lie. Friends of mine that have had there own businesses for years. Have had to shut down. Because they are being undercut by illegals. Here's a list jobs Americans just won't do. Framing,Roofing,Drywall,lawn Maintenance, that's just in my little area of east Tn. Friends told me they could barley buy the materials for what they would do the entire job for. But that part I cannot blame on the TWRA. We have been sold out by our federal government and state and local governments for years now. We all have been castrated by political correctness and our governments are standing their holding the blade.
Yep, a couple of places on Priest that hold nice bluegill, the illegal alien/immigrant population is there every single when the bluegill bed. I used to freeze a good amount of fish, I rarely keep a fish anymore and only keep enough for a meal when I do. I am all for anyone legal keeping their legal limit, even if they do it everyday. The illegal alien/immigrant population keeps 99.9 percent of the fish they catch. No matter the species or size. I have started avoiding Hurricane Creek boat ramp, it is almost like a scene from a California gang movie at times. But even though I rarely use in the last couple years, I still see, the times I do use it, an illegal alien/immigrant throwing a cast net. Those guys should be easy to check and catch. One guy had everything in his bucket, bluegill, bass, a crappie, shad, etc. I told him it is illegal to keep the bluegill, bass, and crappie. He shrugged his shoulders. When I walked back by him I kicked the bucket over into the water. I went ahead an fished figuring my truck would be messed with in some way when I got back. Luckily nothing happened. I see older people of the illegal alien/immigrant there showing their young ones how to throw a cast net. Yeah, our fisheries can take that kind of pressure, no problem.