Interesting article on deer kill statistics

Either way, the deer herd is as good as it's ever been everywhere I go in many states. 20 years ago seeing a dozen or more deer a sit was things you read about in magazines from places like south Alabama , Texas and Illinois. Now, I can ride you around anywhere in north Alabama and southern Tennessee and show you fields full of deer.

Good taxidermist stop taking deer by new years everywhere now.

More big deer, more big deer being killed.

But like Tennessee football, it can all be ruined in a hurry and take a a generation to recover.
TWRA and Ohio DNR have at least the sex, number of points, county, WMA and date of 100 or more individual kills. Ohio even has the time recorded.

I've killed a quite a few deer in Texas over the last 30 years. The state was not aware of a single one of them, much less age or antler info. Several years ago they began requiring you to keep a log for that season on your license, but TPWD never sees it.

I have no clue how they can claim to know anything about the harvest.
Could Texas be using their state program? I think it's pretty popular there and I think used to allow landowners to rifle hunt earlier if it were on it

I could have been told wrong by a ranch I hunted
That's MLD level III. The biologist sets the number of does/bucks for a property independent of local regs. That data is helpful, but it's such a small percentage of properties that use it that it would be a very small sample.