
Re: James

I dont have a problem with the concept
its you I have a problem with

Every one of your post has an agenda
Talking down to everyone that questions you or your opinion
Dude you need to lighten up
Re: James

I agree that if someone wants to shoot a legal bird by all means shoot it ! I simply don't shoot them and would love to see what our turkey population would do if we stopped shooting the youngsters !!
Re: James

IMO jake killing has its place in time for turkey hunters!! you will eventually develop a mind set not to kill them and burn a precious tag on a SHORT BEARD!! I am at that point in my life
Re: James

Lawrence said:
I dont have a problem with the concept
its you I have a problem with

Every one of your post has an agenda
Talking down to everyone that questions you or your opinion
Dude you need to lighten up
actually I think he has lightened up in this thread, it was clearly tongue in cheek, unlike some of his posts in the past. Don't take it so serious
Re: James

Lawrence said:
I dont have a problem with the concept
its you I have a problem with

Every one of your post has an agenda
Talking down to everyone that questions you or your opinion
Dude you need to lighten up

There was no agenda, except having a little fun, and most caught that from the get go.

If you have a problem with someone over an Internet forum than you are truly a sad individual with what must be a depressing life.

Go read the original post, it was a harmless question meant as a joke and thus the reason I didn't even respond until you showed up trying to be mister forum tough guy.

Everyone else seemed to get the point, but I guess there is always the one who seems to fail kindergarten in every group.
Re: James

Must be getting closer to March 30th!!

Setterman is getting fired up.

To answer your question....maybe they needed a jake fan for their decoy?
Re: James

I'll let'em walk but don't knock anyone for shooting one if they want. Especially kids.
Re: James

Its been 2 years since I have killed a turkey. If a jake is my first opportunity this year he dies. After that its all long beards for the season.
Re: James

TurkeyBurd said:
Must be getting closer to March 30th!!

Setterman is getting fired up.

To answer your question....maybe they needed a jake fan for their decoy?
I've got one I made from last year. But I don't have a decoy :D
Re: James

If you don't want to buy one make you one. I had a friend that made one out of clothes hangers and burlap with a real fan on it. He just spray painted it. He had a pet gobbler at the same time. I used to crack up when I'd go over there because he'd put out his home made deke and his gobbler would attack it every time. The bird would flog it and then stomp it flat. As fast as my buddy would pick it up and bend it back into shape the gobbler would attack it again.
Re: James

I had a buddy back home that needed a spur of the moment decoy and remembered where a blue 5 gallon bucket of hydraulic fluid had been left from a timber operation. He emptied the bucket laid it out on the edge of a cotton field on its side, and jammed a palmetto down in the dirt behind like a fan. There was a nasty old henned up bird pitching into this field every morning, and when the bird hit the field at daylight it saw the bucket and charged it, only to die before he probably realized he was horribly mistaken.
Re: James

Been seeing some big turkeys the last few days,I suspect a record harvest for anderson county this year # wise & size also,seen 1 flock that had 75-100 birds in it right at the end of deer season also,may get lucky enuf to smack 1 this spring
Re: James

Mike Belt said:
If you don't want to buy one make you one. I had a friend that made one out of clothes hangers and burlap with a real fan on it. He just spray painted it. He had a pet gobbler at the same time. I used to crack up when I'd go over there because he'd put out his home made deke and his gobbler would attack it every time. The bird would flog it and then stomp it flat. As fast as my buddy would pick it up and bend it back into shape the gobbler would attack it again.
I made a hen decoy in december of 2010. Used cardboard for the frame, tissue paper for the packing and paper mache for the outer layer, then painted it by hand. Looks pretty good, have hardly used it, I would like to make a jake one sometime but I don't want to use paper because of the wet grass or rain.
I don't shoot them but don't have a problem with it since it is legal... as long as you aren't hunting under a QTM program. :D
Re: James

Lol, well I didn't kill a bird last year, never even saw a male turkey, so if a Jake would have showed himself he would have left with me
Re: James

I honestly don't see a problem in shooting one jake for youngsters, first timers, guys on cold spells, or anything like that. I personally wouldn't shoot one but I aint gonna frown upon people that shoot a jake. Just like any kind of hunting, if the hunter gets excited and nervous there is no problem with it.
Re: James

I have shot jakes in the past when I first started turkey hunting. I have not shot one in years and have no desire to kill a jake normally. That being said, I have a 5 year old son who has started going hunting with me. I shot a buck last fall, that I would have normally passed, because he was with me. He was so excited and it was a memory that I will always cherish. He is already fired up about going turkey hunting with me this spring. If he is with me and a jake comes along, there is a good chance I will shoot it.
Re: James

Setterman said:
I had a buddy back home that needed a spur of the moment decoy and remembered where a blue 5 gallon bucket of hydraulic fluid had been left from a timber operation. He emptied the bucket laid it out on the edge of a cotton field on its side, and jammed a palmetto down in the dirt behind like a fan. There was a nasty old henned up bird pitching into this field every morning, and when the bird hit the field at daylight it saw the bucket and charged it, only to die before he probably realized he was horribly mistaken.

And to think people pay upwards of $200 for a decoy!

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