Jon Gruden

Spurhunter said:
darn2ten said:
Spurhunter said:
As usual you can't start a thread here without the florida trolls highjacking it and ruining it. This thread was about Butch Jones and the respect he is getting. Nobody here besides the three trolls gives a rip about Spurrier or florida.
Whoa there partner! I read this post way earlier, didn't feel the need to comment and moved on. I didn't, nor do I ever hijack UT threads. Kind of ironic that you got about 3 people on here that constantly start threads about Florida though, but once again that's ok. Troll....I don't think so! ;)

First of all, we ain't brothers, we ain't partners, and we ain't friends. Second, the only reason you come to the sports forum is to troll. You know nobody here cares about your opinion on Tennessee, and nobody cares about anything florida. You are strictly here to be a cockleburr. Otherwise, you could be on a florida site talking about your team with your fellow fans.

Are you always this rude away from a computer? You're the first to claim other school's fans are terrible, yet you show your arse on nearly every post in this forum. Go take an enema or something and flush the hate. You're making the sports forum unreadable.
Hangnail said:
Spurhunter said:
darn2ten said:
Spurhunter said:
As usual you can't start a thread here without the florida trolls highjacking it and ruining it. This thread was about Butch Jones and the respect he is getting. Nobody here besides the three trolls gives a rip about Spurrier or florida.
Whoa there partner! I read this post way earlier, didn't feel the need to comment and moved on. I didn't, nor do I ever hijack UT threads. Kind of ironic that you got about 3 people on here that constantly start threads about Florida though, but once again that's ok. Troll....I don't think so! ;)

First of all, we ain't brothers, we ain't partners, and we ain't friends. Second, the only reason you come to the sports forum is to troll. You know nobody here cares about your opinion on Tennessee, and nobody cares about anything florida. You are strictly here to be a cockleburr. Otherwise, you could be on a florida site talking about your team with your fellow fans.

Are you always this rude away from a computer? You're the first to claim other school's fans are terrible, yet you show your arse on nearly every post in this forum. Go take an enema or something and flush the hate. You're making the sports forum unreadable.
Yeah, he's one of the Keyboard tough guys that can't help but show his true colors. Ain't even worth responding to, needs to grow up.
farmin68 said:
G8rntn said:
Twinshooter said:
Yes, It appears that we do indeed have a Coach that cares about the program and players.
[color:#990000]One of the first[/color] coaches that I seen that will make the trip to the field to check his players out when they are injuried.

Are you really saying he was the first coach you ever saw go out on the field and check on a player???? LOL wow

Read it again, Sparky. I highlighted the key part for you. If you still don't get it, let me know and I'll re-type it real slow just for you.

Ok slick. In my post if you read a little slower than normal I said FIRST COACH YOU EVER SAW. Talking to twin but since your his bodyguard maybe you need to reread it slick.
darn2ten said:
Hangnail said:
Spurhunter said:
darn2ten said:
Spurhunter said:
As usual you can't start a thread here without the florida trolls highjacking it and ruining it. This thread was about Butch Jones and the respect he is getting. Nobody here besides the three trolls gives a rip about Spurrier or florida.
Whoa there partner! I read this post way earlier, didn't feel the need to comment and moved on. I didn't, nor do I ever hijack UT threads. Kind of ironic that you got about 3 people on here that constantly start threads about Florida though, but once again that's ok. Troll....I don't think so! ;)

First of all, we ain't brothers, we ain't partners, and we ain't friends. Second, the only reason you come to the sports forum is to troll. You know nobody here cares about your opinion on Tennessee, and nobody cares about anything florida. You are strictly here to be a cockleburr. Otherwise, you could be on a florida site talking about your team with your fellow fans.

Are you always this rude away from a computer? You're the first to claim other school's fans are terrible, yet you show your arse on nearly every post in this forum. Go take an enema or something and flush the hate. You're making the sports forum unreadable.
Yeah, he's one of the Keyboard tough guys that can't help but show his true colors. Ain't even worth responding to, needs to grow up.

For them not to care about Florida all these Tn fans sure do post threads about them. Just look at all of them.
I just hate to think this forum will turn into the typical sports message board. There's poking at each other and such, but the level of rudeness is not needed to get a point across.
G8rntn said:
darn2ten said:
Hangnail said:
Spurhunter said:
darn2ten said:
Spurhunter said:
As usual you can't start a thread here without the florida trolls highjacking it and ruining it. This thread was about Butch Jones and the respect he is getting. Nobody here besides the three trolls gives a rip about Spurrier or florida.
Whoa there partner! I read this post way earlier, didn't feel the need to comment and moved on. I didn't, nor do I ever hijack UT threads. Kind of ironic that you got about 3 people on here that constantly start threads about Florida though, but once again that's ok. Troll....I don't think so! ;)

First of all, we ain't brothers, we ain't partners, and we ain't friends. Second, the only reason you come to the sports forum is to troll. You know nobody here cares about your opinion on Tennessee, and nobody cares about anything florida. You are strictly here to be a cockleburr. Otherwise, you could be on a florida site talking about your team with your fellow fans.

Are you always this rude away from a computer? You're the first to claim other school's fans are terrible, yet you show your arse on nearly every post in this forum. Go take an enema or something and flush the hate. You're making the sports forum unreadable.
Yeah, he's one of the Keyboard tough guys that can't help but show his true colors. Ain't even worth responding to, needs to grow up.

For them not to care about Florida all these Tn fans sure do post threads about them. Just look at all of them.

Pot calling kettle black?

Oh no, I see, you all don't start threads ABOUT UT but you feel obligated to chime in on one with some kind of Florida BS. Yeah that's totally different.
TeamMainStreet said:
G8rntn said:
darn2ten said:
Hangnail said:
Spurhunter said:
darn2ten said:
Spurhunter said:
As usual you can't start a thread here without the florida trolls highjacking it and ruining it. This thread was about Butch Jones and the respect he is getting. Nobody here besides the three trolls gives a rip about Spurrier or florida.
Whoa there partner! I read this post way earlier, didn't feel the need to comment and moved on. I didn't, nor do I ever hijack UT threads. Kind of ironic that you got about 3 people on here that constantly start threads about Florida though, but once again that's ok. Troll....I don't think so! ;)

First of all, we ain't brothers, we ain't partners, and we ain't friends. Second, the only reason you come to the sports forum is to troll. You know nobody here cares about your opinion on Tennessee, and nobody cares about anything florida. You are strictly here to be a cockleburr. Otherwise, you could be on a florida site talking about your team with your fellow fans.

Are you always this rude away from a computer? You're the first to claim other school's fans are terrible, yet you show your arse on nearly every post in this forum. Go take an enema or something and flush the hate. You're making the sports forum unreadable.
Yeah, he's one of the Keyboard tough guys that can't help but show his true colors. Ain't even worth responding to, needs to grow up.

For them not to care about Florida all these Tn fans sure do post threads about them. Just look at all of them.

Pot calling kettle black?

Oh no, I see, you all don't start threads ABOUT UT but you feel obligated to chime in on one with some kind of Florida BS. Yeah that's totally different.

I never have said anything about starting Tn threads but i like how Tn fans can start threads about UF but we can't about Tn. Yeah I know y'all will say this is a Tn board but it's actually a hunting board right?
Start one up. Who gives a big steaming pile? You all can Florida yourselves to death.

But if you open a Florida thread, how are you guys gonna jump in and hijack it?
Twinshooter said:
Yes, It appears that we do indeed have a Coach that cares about the program and players.
One of the first coaches that I seen that will make the trip to the field to check his players out when they are injuried.

I appreciate that about coach as well.
darn2ten said:
Painting with a broad brush if you ask me! Please tell or show me where I have ever hijacked a UT thread?

Just because you don't jump in first does not exclude you.

I will say that so far I have been able to tolerate you. It's your gator counterpart that is a little much.
darn2ten said:
Painting with a broad brush if you ask me! Please tell or show me where I have ever hijacked a UT thread?

I couldn't find any threads you've highjacked so I apologize for lumping you in with the trolls that have to make EVERY thread about florida. This thread was about CBJ and the respect he was getting. I actually posted it because someone here said they haven't heard any coaches or media complimenting Jones. Unfortunately, you can't post anything positive about Tennessee on this Tennessee website without one of a half dozen trolls destroying the thread.
I just now watched that interview.

His answer when asked if was ever "just a little bit" interested in the UT job says a LOT without saying anything.

I stand by my belief that there was smoke with that fire, but something threw a wrench in it.

Oh well, I'm pleased with Jones.

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