just for laughs


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
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Shelbyville TN
Thought y'all may get a kick out of this, so I call my dad everyday on my way home from work, mostly just bs talk and such. Well last week I told him I was worried about some things he's been doing and wanted to talk about it.( he's 72 Vietnam vet and don't take no crap) he ask what I was talking about, I say that sicker on the back of his flatbed. He ask what I was talking about and it goes on for a few minutes before I tell him it says VIETNAM VETERANS FOR BIDEN!! Well I didn't know a person could cuss that much that fast! So I got my uncle in on it and he's gonna drive me over there to put the sicker on his flatbed and put biden signs in the yard! BUT! What my uncle don't know is that my dad is gonna drive me to my uncle's house to put biden signs in his yard! And my uncle told me that he works with a gay guy who he thinks may try to put a biden sicker on his truck! ( perfect crime!)