Just for you @ATHiker

I used to be a big fan of his. He was a great personality at one time and really advocated for turkeys and turkey hunting. Wasn't about the kill but more about the experience and learning.

No idea what changed in him. He's now a cliche of hunting and walking commercial that lives by stupid slogans he comes up with.
to be clear I have no issue with people trying to make a little money off of videos through sponsorship or selling their own brand as long as the show isnt more focused on that then actual hunting. I dont want to watch a post nascar race in a hunting show.

Its why I have always like guys like Dave Owens, HUSH and Born and Raised outdoors. The content is SO much more about the hunt and journey successful or not in harvesting. Heck for a long time I would have never known what gun or calls Dave Owens even used cause he never mentioned anything about them, though he has gotten a lot bigger now I still find his stuff worth watching. Maybe he is a total douche in real life I have no idea but his content at least to me is tasteful and very well done.
to be clear I have no issue with people trying to make a little money off of videos through sponsorship or selling their own brand as long as the show isnt more focused on that then actual hunting. I dont want to watch a post nascar race in a hunting show.

Its why I have always like guys like Dave Owens, HUSH and Born and Raised outdoors. The content is SO much more about the hunt and journey successful or not in harvesting. Heck for a long time I would have never known what gun or calls Dave Owens even used cause he never mentioned anything about them, though he has gotten a lot bigger now I still find his stuff worth watching. Maybe he is a total douche in real life I have no idea but his content at least to me is tasteful and very well done.
I used to pause daves videos to try and see what he was using cause he never mentioned it lol never met him but i do like his videos
Why all the hate for Waddell?
Waddell is a poser when it comes to turkey hunting....

In his mind he thinks he is a world champion caller... just listen to all the folks rant on how his calls just pulled those toms in to the gun... but in reality he picked a terrible set up, then just pops up a fan, squawks some malodorous fighting purrs, and the toms do what they do... charge the intruder. I wouldn't mind if he just admitted he was a TERRIBLE turkey hunter and exploited every toms vulnerability. At least he would be honest with himself and his ignorant fans. But no, he fully buys into the alternate reality he IS a turkey hunter, and a GREAT one at that.

THEN, he gets all butthurt when folks call him out on his unsportsmanlike antics and uses the excuse 'all of us hunters just need to get along..if it's legal, no hunter should put down another hunter'

I used to like Waddell back in the deer hunting days because he seemed like a good old boy... but his turkey hunting days with 'can't stop the flop' bull$hit is worse than nails on the chalkboard.

It's 'possible' for him to redeem himself in my eyes... if he quits reaping and starts battling honorably with the turkeys, I could respect him (like Catman and THP did). But I just don't think he will ever be a real turkey hunter, so it just won't happen. Dead turkeys just mean more $$$ in his pocket and that's his main priority.