Tennessee Lead
Well-Known Member
That's where it came from.
I'm setting here in the shade agin a tree beside an old fell log hid good. Had been blind calling some. Picked up my phone and was checking TNdeer and heard the slightest movement to my right hand side behind me. I looked just in time to see a BOBCAT running at me from the weeds. It jumped and sailed through the air toward me. I swatted it with my arm to keep it off my face. It was as scared as I was I reckon. I'm telling they are super quite and lightning fast. It had me if I hadn't picked up my phone I probably would have been bit. I had given thought to taking a nap but decided I'd see if anyone had been successful.
My heart has finally slowed down. I can't believe that just happened to me.
Don't let your guard down
That was crazy!