Just had a scare flipping crazy!

Wow man. Not too many people can say checking TnDeer on their phone saved them from a bobcat attack!

BTW, I bet your scream started just about the time it was getting airborne. Can you imagine what was going through its mind as it was flying toward you. I bet it was trying to reverse thrust :D !

You, sir, have a tale that you will never forget!
Wow man. That could have been bad. I've heard of it before too. Thanks goodness for TNDeer. :)

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Hunting with a buddy years ago and he was set up calling behind me about 10 yards while I was overlooking a clear-cut. He screamed and I spun around to see a bobcat hauling butt. It crept in and when it started to pounce he jumped up and it spun around probably 2' from him and was gone in a flash.
I'm glad you weren't hurt!

I had a bobcat creep up on me while dove hunting. I was hunched over sitting on a bucket, facing towards the field. He came from the field edge, and was in a low crawl (like stalking) towards me.

I heard a faint sound and turned around to see him about 10-12 feet away. I was absolutely terrified, and swung my gun around. I shot him, but was so shook up that I couldn't keep hunting. I just kept thinking "what if I hadn't turned around??"

I think the theme here is a case of mistaken identity. In hindsight, I would have preferred not to have shot the bobcat, because it was the first one I had personally seen in the wild (this was about 20 years ago), but I was too scared at the time to think of doing anything else. The whole ordeal happened in just a few seconds.
I bet that was scary, I'm glad it didn't get it's claws or teeth on you. Hey be glad it was just a bobcat and not a BIG cat like have been spotted in a few areas in the state. I saw a guy post on Facebook that he was charged by a mountain lion this season. I think it was in Kansas. Luckily he was able to get a shot off real quick and killed it before it killed him.
Mike Belt":pgngyyv2 said:
I guess that answers the question as to whether bobcats will prey upon adult gobblers.
if a coyote will, then a bobcat will even better. They are mean

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