Juvenile hunt


Absolutely! And she learned a lot. Where to look for morels. And to always immediately stop when an owl hoots or a crow calls to listen for a turkey to gobble.
Good life lessons. They'll always come in handy.
Had a tough morning. Never been on the place took a kid with his dad. Heard a few none any where close to where we could hunt. Hit the ground shut up of course. Couldn't hunt to long.
Tough start. Supposed to go with a buddy and his son and he text me at 10:30 and said his son doesn't want to go anymore.. Doesn't want to pressure him.. Feel for him.

1st gob went different direction with his ladies. 2nd one fired up below and I think he saw us make our approach with very little cover.. Then I saw him strutting in the field later and get chased clear across the river by our bully jakes... Dangit only hunting eggs for the rest of the weekend..

Had another coyote run across the road right by my truck.. Hit the yelp and sure enough puts on the brakes and goes into stalk mode.. Gave him enough 410 TSS to make him think twice about that next time..
We heard a couple of gobbles right at daylight but never got close enough. We did jump 6 deer though. Main thing is got to get out with my best friend in the world even though we got soaked and mudded up, he still had a good time!
We just got back to the truck. It wasn't foggy at home but it was pretty foggy at our hunting spot. I was comfortable, my son got chilly at 39.
There was no gobbling, if I'd been by myself, I'd have stayed until noon.


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