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KBF Lake Chickamauga


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2015
A lot of you know from my previous post that my brother and I have recently began competing in kayak fishing tournaments this year. As mentioned before, we are apart of the Chattanooga Bass Yakkers club and fish nearly every event. Separate in part from the club, KBF (which is the Nation wide Kayak Bass fishing Association) has hosted two events this year on our local lake chickamauga. Kayakers from all across the nation come and compete. I was lucky enough to have a really good day in the first event and managed to qualify for the National Championship and a chance at $100,000 this upcoming march of 2018 on Kentucky lake. I came away super excited and thankful for landing a spot but at the same time I was really hoping my brother could qualify with me. We knew he would have two more cracks at it with one more event in mid May and another event in October on the Chick. Well fast forward to a few weeks ago to the second event on Chickamauga...Now that College is out, I work in Alabama throughout the week and travel back on Friday. Because of this, I had no chance to practice throughout the week. I really wasn't too worried about it considering I was already qualified. I was mainly fishing the event to support my brother and swing for the fences at a possible win. The Saturday morning rolled around a little too soon and we were flat wore out. After over sleeping a little, we made it out on the water just in time. By the time we got our kayaks in the water it was go time. I let him go on ahead out to the main lake while I went behind him and fished some backward slow. It didn't take me very long to put together a limit. Though most of the fish I was going to have to cull if I wanted any chance at all at a win. I continued to fish for several hours until I finally met back up with him on the main lake. We both had respectable limits but nothing worth getting too excited about. We both proceeded to cull up several more times but neither of us had the kicker we were needing. Well at about 1:30 that all changed. I had taken a break for a moment to submit all of my fish on TourneyX. As I was submitting my fish, I hear my brother holler, "Isaac! Isaac!" I look up and he's paddling quickly over to me with his net in his hands excited saying he's caught a good one. Immediately I think he's caught a 4 or maybe a 5lber. Which is a very nice fish for any tournament. However, I would be proven wrong. When he pulls up along side me, I can't believe my eyes. He's holding a solid 7-8lb fish. To say I was stoked for him was an understatement. He quickly records the length of the fish with his identifier and I throw her on the scales. She went 7lbs even. A true pig. She was the exact same length as the one he caught a couple months back that went 8lb 13oz. The fish was every bit as big as the other it was just spawned out. It was definitely an old warrior with one of its eyes missing but that's not even the coolest part of the story. My brother began telling me what happened and said that when he set the hook the fish come screaming up from below him and jumped right into his arms and into the boat. We set there and laughed for a good while about that one. Needless to say after that I was so shakin up I forgot all about culling up anymore or fishing for that matter. I was more tore up than he ways I think lol. We headed back to the weigh in at 3:00 to see where he would place. Once back to the weigh in, we waited for what seemed like forever but it was worth it. My brother finished third and won $358 and cashed him a ticket to the National Championship with me. Unfortunately, he didn't put in for big fish and it cost him $177. That stung a little because this was the first time we had ever not put in for big fish. We were still super excited and thankful for the day and season that the good lord has blessed us with. So far this season between the two of us we've managed two first place wins, two second place wins, and a third place and as of right now we're both qualified for the state and national championship. We Couldn't have done any of it without the good lord above. As I stated In my previous posts, I will continue to update everyone from time to time on how the rest of the season goes for us and definitely the National Championship in March. Thanks guys!


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Thats awesome man. I would hate to be anywhere on the main lake on Kentucky Lake in March on a typical day on a kayak! She gets rough quick.
That's awesome!

It's been proven through history that women's a mystery! Popeye
Buck_West":1xr17j15 said:
Thats awesome man. I would hate to be anywhere on the main lake on Kentucky Lake in March on a typical day on a kayak! She gets rough quick.

Yeah from what I heard there were two guys that lost they're kayaks last year out there. Luckily no one was hurt.

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