Well-Known Member
Great buck!!!
Awesome buck Dustin , patience paid off brother . Congrats on a dandy of a buck !I was hunting another deer at my other farm but made a quick hunt after work behind my house. Seen 3 does first thing and they went off and a little later I seen a deer come out of the tall grass into my food plot. Thinking it was another doe I through my binocs up and seen it was a buck. I couldn't tell if it had brows but seen a lot of tines on each side. Quick second decision I decided to shoot him. High shoulder shot and he ran about 60 yards and was down.
11 pt with lots of mass. Wish the pics would show the mass that he really had. 190 lbs which is the biggest body deer I've ever killed. I have never seen this deer before at all. I figure him to be 4.5 or 5.5 year old.
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