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Kinda disturbing trend

I've never video'd a hunt by myself nor do I care to. I took a neighbor deer hunting trying to get his first and filmed the kill shot with my phone if that counts. Another buddy and I turkey hunt some and every now and then we'll stay together and film. I've killed one with him filming but other than that I'm out.
I know this is old news but it really is kinda sad.
I watched the video that seek one put out of the deer that he passed a good shot due to the camera not being on the deer.
First of all I gotta say when he talked about their "food plot" getting weed whacked and then basically showed a guy weed eating a bank behind a house literally made me laugh.

This isn't really about them, but he admitted to passing a good shot to get it on camera but then still didn't get the shot on camera.

I went down the rabbit hole a bit and heard another guy say, not my best shooting, I had an awkward angle and the camera arm was in my way.

It's not just youtube either.
I watched a couple hunting shows this weekend of "professional" hunters and the amount of straight up piss poor shooting amazes me.
One woman shot just as the deer stepped forward and the speed, or lack of, caused her to hit the deer right in front of the hind quarter.
They left it overnight, of course, and then talked about what a great shot she made. ??? Again, they had to have everything just right for the camera.

I tried to video some hunts back a long time ago and I will admit it is tough to get everything lined up and get a kill on camera, especially when bowhunting.
I did manage to get a kill shot on camera, but it was a 275 yard shot with a rifle so it wasn't that hard.

No real point to this post other than I believe a bunch of people out there need to either put the camera away (as I did) or just quit hunting all together and get a different job.
WHAT!!!!!!! 275 YARDS!!!!!!!!! THATS CHEATING! Its not fair to ambush a poor critter that far away!

LOL theres some VHS tapes around somewhere thats got me making some pretty dang impressive shots on them, but they wont EVER make it to the www. Heck my buddies recorded me whacking prairie dogs at 750 yards on one tape.
Good grief man. You're not human!!!!
That's beyond impressive.
Head mounted GoPro is my preferred method. Hands free with voice commands. Also have videoed some of my best bass catches. I watch them frequently. Especially the top water strikes.

Those things are cool. I've thought about getting one it haven't done it yet. My brother has a tactacam on his bow and it made the difference in retrieving a deer he gut hit. He thought he'd made an ok hit but when we watched the video it was clear the shot was back, so we waited 12hrs to track. Lucky we did. The buck was still warm when we found him.
Haven't watched a hunting show in years. Don't watch other hunters YouTube videos either.

Eh I would tend to agree for the most part, but there's a couple YouTube guys I like to watch when I have spare time & am bored. "DIY Hunter" on YouTube is a good one. Southern guy who hunts all over the country on public land and does pretty darn well. It's inspiring to see that it's not only possible, but plausible to get good deer off public land. Otherwise I tend to focus more on the habitat tutorials and wild game recipe stuff. Grant Woods has a good channel geared toward both habitat and hunting. I find myself more interested in the matter of fact informational stuff than chest thumping braggarts.
What I have noticed is that the YouTubers started out their channels by not getting all the kill shots on cam because they were not prioritizing that over the video or the ethical kill. I am sure it is difficult to capture all of that. This gained several of them "followers". People believing they were out to show reality and just be good hunters. Now…those same YouTubers are just as described in this thread, all about getting the shot, even if it's a worse shot that leads to a not so pleasant kill.
I have no interest in filming my hunt. I would like to be able film the kill shot. My only reason is for self assurance of the shot. Where the shot was made. If I should back out and wait as to not push the deer out of the area. Not high on my list just something of thought would be nice to have.
I do like hunting shows unlike a lot of you guys it seems. My son at 14 months won't watch anything else lol. He points at the deer on TV and then on the walls, it is about the only time he will sit still. There are some shows I can't stand and others I really enjoy. But at the end of the day they are a business and you have to keep that in mind.

I had a really good opportunity to hunt with camera crews for a big hunting company back in the day and was told by the owner he would hire me. It just was not for me, I love hunting but I don't want to make it my job. Those guys have tons of pressure to produce however many shows they must produce to create a season. That is a lot of pressure to get kills on camera and that's what ultimately turned me off on it. I never want to feel pressure to shoot anything, and in fact if I had gone down that road I think it would have made it miserable for me. I enjoy the hunt and the hunt to me is weeks, months, or sometimes even years of tracking specific deer in the wild. I enjoy reading the sign, learning the patterns, finding the beds, and creating the chess match to take that animal. When I am successful I always feel a small amount of sadness because I know that chase is over. I'm perfectly content chasing 1 or if im lucky 2 old bucks all season and taking a couple of does for meat.

Some of yall may think I'm an idiot for not taking that job up, but if I did all the aspects that I truly enjoy about hunting would be gone. I'd be sitting in a blind or stand someone else put up trying to shoot a deer someone scouted. I just can't do it, I can't even find myself sitting in other people's stands or blinds when I get invited to go hunt with buddies, I have to find my own tree and hunt, it's just how I'm wired.
Some of yall may think I'm an idiot for not taking that job up, but if I did all the aspects that I truly enjoy about hunting would be gone. I'd be sitting in a blind or stand someone else put up trying to shoot a deer someone scouted. I just can't do it, I can't even find myself sitting in other people's stands or blinds when I get invited to go hunt with buddies, I have to find my own tree and hunt, it's just how I'm wired.
Having watched several hunting shows being filmed, no I do think you're an idiot at all. I think you dodged a bullet.

As you mentioned, these shows are a business. When profit requires certain situations be captured on camera, people tend to do things that aren't illegal, but are - in my opinion - unethical.
There was a guy a few years back had a popular Saturday morning hunting show and he got in big trouble when camera man told authorities that dude shot a big 2yr old. Reloaded and 45min later shot a mature one. Only had one tag. Pressured cam man into tagging the little one. Etc. People do this stuff even without the financial pressure. But I'd think it happens more often than we'd imagine. But as far as filming goes, I would think if you were after a Booner and it might set a record of some sort filming would be important. Just to quickly shut down the BS concerning possible illegalities that get suspected in those hunts.