Well, nice buck but sux about the CWD. I always wonder how old a deer gets before the CWD takes him. IMO this is the best way to tell with one if you suspect he has it.
Shot him in Hardeman County. This is the 3rd one off of our lease. My dad shot the 11th confirmed CWD positive deer in Tn a few years ago. We're right on the Fayette/Hardeman line.Wondering if he was in a CWD named county or CWD high risk county (or neither)?
He is being euro mounted. You can keep any part of if the deer you wish to keep. I will not be keeping the meat though.Sucks he tested positive. I assume you cannot keep the rack or anything? At least you ended his suffering.
BSK are you familiar with any of these "symptoms" being common for CWD? Wondering if the discoloration, eyes sunk in, and weight loss are something to keep an eye out for.That picture of him on the tailgate shows how emaciated he was.