Lake Eufaula in Alabama


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Jul 12, 2021
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Has anyone fished lake eufaula in Alabama? Looking to know what's the best lures to use for bass. Also which boat ramps are safe and easy to use. Any info is appreciate.
Spring time nothing beats a buzz bait early anytime for big fish.
After that plastics in the grass, Carolina right on the creak points and drops. RATTLE traps on the rip raps. Chartreuse is a good color. Try nighttime on the rip rap at the dam.
Ramps? Pay a few dollars to launch but well worth it. Clean bathrooms and docks on every ramp.
Rip rap at lake point is a good place to start. Alot of fish released there every weekend.
Chenahatchie? Don't start the motow and fish the rip rap and snag markers on both sides of bridge especially the downstream side.
Snag markers anywhere on that lake could produce a lunker.
Good luck.
When are you planning to go? I've been there several times when my boys fished in high school. Lake Point is an excellent launch. From there, you've got options to fish rip rap, grass/pad flats, creek channel bends, brush piles, floating hyacinths, and river ledges. We were always there in the summer, and the winning patterns were always brush piles and ledges. Big worms in the piles, and jigs, crankbaits, and big spinnerbaits on the ledges. Zoom ol monsters in red bug worked best for us. Look out for the submerged standing timber when making your way out to the river. Use your maps and run the channels and you'll be ok. If you go upriver, you will see gators. That's pretty cool if you've never seen them before. Good luck!
Good info. I'm going at the end of the month. Thanks.
Eufaula has a gazillion manmade brunch piles. If the fish are just moving up, they'll stage on those piles before pulling all the way up to spawn. Go down lake and scan around in 8-10 foot and you'll find the piles. Lots of guys down there just hop from pile to pile all day. They'll have a milk run of gps coordinates and run it all day. They pull up on a pile, make a few casts, and if they don't get bit, roll on to the next one. They have years of waypoints, but you'll be able to find some if you scan around. They're literally everywhere.
Used to go there every spring break with my dad and stayed at the cabins at Lake Point. Caught my biggest bass to date there on the rip rap on an orange rattle trap

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