Last day of November

Was he chasing or by himself
Here's the story -
I'm in a spot that is really hard to hunt - it's basically a knob surrounded by hollers. The knob is pretty open woods, but around it is thick. If they come up on the knob, the deer tend to skylight you. AND, it's impossible to find a place anywhere to hunt there without some deer seeing your vehicle and blowing at it. LOL. Well...I parked farther away than I have in the past and found a downed tree and hid my vehicle behind the root ball. I also selected another tree to climb last time I hunted there. A little tiny bit more cover, and a little more out of direct line of view of most deer. Anyway, this morning I got settled in right at first light. It wasn't long, I heard something behind me. I turned to see a tail go off the knob into a holler. No idea what it was. I hit the grunt call and can call - in a few minutes a deer appeared below me. No idea if it was the same deer or not. It looked like a small buck. I grunted to get him in for a better view. He circled around me and caught my wind and was out of there. About an hour later, I was getting ready to hit my grunt call again, and I heard steps in the leaves. I looked below me and finally caught a glimpse of a deer in the thick stuff. He stopped in a tiny opening and was whacking a beech tree - I could see he had a decent rack, I held on the small opening and he got his chest right in the opening, about 80 yards from me. I squeezed and he was gone. I couldn't tell what happened - but, I heard some noise in the leaves - not much, I couldn't tell if he was running or dieing. I waited a few minutes and climbed down - I didn't walk 30 yards, and I could see white belly. Made it a great morning!