Last Minute Purchases


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
Bought two screw in steps to keep in my harness vest today. Anybody else making last minute purchases/preparations for tomorrow? I've been working on this since Feb and it all culminates to this moment.
UTGrad said:
Radar said:
A new bow and dozen new arrows . Just kiddin' :)

I'm sure somebody out there will be shooting a bow for the first time at a live animal with no preparation!

Guys do it though .I heard of a few sold yesterday . :crazy: I have bought or tested new bows during the season for a backup , while using my primary bow for hunting until I could get comfortable with the new bow and get it dialed in before hunting , but I wouldn't think of buying a primary bow the day before season .
Radar said:
A new bow and dozen new arrows . Just kiddin' :)

watched a real rich lookin guy buying a cross bow and trying to sight it in yesterday. Had never shot one before.

drives me crazy!
i did pick up some primos scent xp stuff though, then got home and found a 3/4 full bottle of scent away
old spice deoderant, aqua velva aftershave, new x bow and a dozen arrows. some dude was looking at me funny when i was trying to sight it in though. couldnt help it, ive never shot one before.
Was in Bass Pro today picking up a Range Finder. They were selling Bows and Crossbows like they were going out of style!
Added to the collection this winter boots, new rubber boots and a thermocell.Maybe should have got waders though since it's pouring right now!!
UTGrad said:
Radar said:
A new bow and dozen new arrows . Just kiddin' :)

I'm sure somebody out there will be shooting a bow for the first time at a live animal with no preparation!

Last year I discovered cracks in my bow limb just a couple weeks before season. I didn't want to risk having the new limbs delivered too late, so I bought a new bow. Had plent of time to get it sighted in and get myself adjusted to the feel of the shorter, smoother-drawing bow.

New limbs for he old bow arrived a week before's my backup bow now.

And yes, I spent over $50 at BPS yesterday on some lightweight warm weather clothes...should have gotten a new rain suit!
bigorangmd said:
Was in Bass Pro today picking up a Range Finder. They were selling Bows and Crossbows like they were going out of style!

Doesn't surprise me. I wish salesmen at any pro-shop would emphasize the great importance of practice and familiarizing themselves with any bow long before hunting.. Respect for the animal's life.. Also, remind them that they will be representing a sport that is under constant scrutiny.
DOH! Too rainy this morning, so I went to Richard's and cashed in a coupon (about to expire) on a 16' stick ladder. Put it togehter a while ago. Looks like a 2 pm till death or dark for me today.
I work at the bass pro in sevierville and we do tell the ones who are just starting out to practise. We also spend time with the customer in the range and have them hitting bulls eye before they leave.

pjridge said:
bigorangmd said:
Was in Bass Pro today picking up a Range Finder. They were selling Bows and Crossbows like they were going out of style!

Doesn't surprise me. I wish salesmen at any pro-shop would emphasize the great importance of practice and familiarizing themselves with any bow long before hunting.. Respect for the animal's life.. Also, remind them that they will be representing a sport that is under constant scrutiny.
WTM said:
old spice deoderant, aqua velva aftershave, new x bow and a dozen arrows. some dude was looking at me funny when i was trying to sight it in though. couldnt help it, ive never shot one before.

Me being new to running a shop i really didnt know what to expect. Ive always heard the horror stories and after the last couple days ill be able to add some. Folks that dont want to take the time to properly sight in and hone their skills IMO do more to hurt our great sport than promote it.
I was at BPS Thursday and was shocked how many people was buying targets. Asked one fella, wore out the old one. Nope, just starting to practice.