I have a question with all the talk of a later season opening. I hear most people talk about Late season like its great hens nesting hunting awesome. I don't see that where I hunt and I'm just wondering if it's property specific or area specific or in no good at it. Every year hear we do 90 per cent of our killing the first two weeks of season. Actually gobbling is better a couple weeks before season even opens. I wish we opened mid March here that's just me. Last 2 and 1/2 week of season you can't buy a gobble. I still see gobblers. Yesterday saw 3. They are always alone or with other gobblers basically just walking around feeding. If I call to them they either stand and stare or walk off the other way. They don't strut or even act like breeding has been going on. My best strategy late season is spot and stalk or sit and wait which I hate. How is it in other parts of the state? I wonder if it's because of Hardin county location or our lease gets hunted hard??? Just thinking out loud.