LBL Birds?

tickweed said:
Bingo! Took me untill 2:35pm to finally get him, but closed the deal Sat. at LBL. Really bad weather made it tough. Saw several adults, heard quite a bite of gobblin, not many taken the first day of the second quota hunt.

You da man then we didnt hear a bird and only seen 3 hens
spitndrum said:
tickweed said:
Bingo! Took me untill 2:35pm to finally get him, but closed the deal Sat. at LBL. Really bad weather made it tough. Saw several adults, heard quite a bite of gobblin, not many taken the first day of the second quota hunt.

You da man then we didnt hear a bird and only seen 3 hens

your not making me want to go on the non quota ex is going to nashville the last weekend of the nq and i was going to take her and drop her off and hunt.I have planned on going for a while but never do.I know there are alot of birds there but wonder if they gobble much.I enjoy hunting LBl so it will will be fun to turkey hunt it either way Where did you hunt spit i will hunt away from there. :D
Just lucky, should have been done by 8 am, but got busted trying to adjust my gun a few inches,especially with the wind. Then got on another group about 10:30, and followed them for over an hour, four strutters, but never could break one off, finally lost em, then hit another group about 2:00, stayed behind them a while, finally had one of three break away and come in silent. All my birds where in the woods, and it was all a person could do to hear one gobble over a hundred yds with the wind. Seems they are still behind a little bit. Rafi, there are plenty of birds, the weather played a big roll this weekend. Had several in our group hear birds Sunday, just didnt do anything with them. The best hunting is still to come at LBL.
Yeah tick, stretch told us Sunday evening you killed one. I've been going up there for 10 years and this was the worst I've seen. Saturday, I never heard or saw a bird. BigAl heard one distant gobble. Sunday I heard 3 gobbles, 2 at 6:45 and another at 9:30, never saw the birds. Heard zero this morning, bigAl had a bird working but some other hunters moved in on him and busted it up.
Congrats on your bird.
tickweed said:
Just lucky, should have been done by 8 am, but got busted trying to adjust my gun a few inches,especially with the wind. Then got on another group about 10:30, and followed them for over an hour, four strutters, but never could break one off, finally lost em, then hit another group about 2:00, stayed behind them a while, finally had one of three break away and come in silent. All my birds where in the woods, and it was all a person could do to hear one gobble over a hundred yds with the wind. Seems they are still behind a little bit. Rafi, there are plenty of birds, the weather played a big roll this weekend. Had several in our group hear birds Sunday, just didnt do anything with them. The best hunting is still to come at LBL.

sounds good i am planning on hunting the last weekend so maybe they will still be gobbling.