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Learning to Use New Fish Finders


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2012
I recently purchased two new units. On the console Garmin 93sv Chirp, On the bow Garmin 73CV Chirp. I do have them connected so they share information. I did my research and believe I got the best bang for my buck. I've never had good electronics before, I've read the book and maybe when the weather permits and I get on the water and set/program the units up for my boat it will make more sense. But it appears complicated. Anyone have these unit and can give advise on how to set the units, I.e. screen combination for best pics, resolution, sensitivity, side view v.s. down view,clear view. It appears these units have a lot of capabilities that I'll never use. I've watch numerous YouTube videos that have been somewhat helpful, I just want to find structure and fish. Any help to clear the mud would be greatly appreciated.
I put a couple of Garmins on my boat I got in October and I have only been out with it two times since then. They don't really seem that complicated and the manuals are not nearly as long and muddy as some of the other older units. Just get out there and play with the settings until you get the screens set like you want.
I connected mine but I don't think that was until after the last trip, so I don't know if I got that right.

I know one thing, I am impressed with what I can see down there now.

Kind of want one of those pantopix transducers , to see them chasing a lure, etc.

The only thing about one of them I don't like is I can't get a screen portion with GPS coordinates running all the time. The 73 sv chirp one will do it .but it is mounted on the console. The other will only show it when I mark a waypoint. I have lots of fishing spots from years past that I troll around to using the coordinates . I hate to have to input all those manually into these units
I guess I will just use a hand held GPS and mark them as I fish them.
Congrats. Please update us on how you like the 93sv if you get a second. Really interested in this unit.

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You will probably hear "leave the rods at home and put your time in on the water"....
Every body of water is different and no two units are the same when you consider how they were installed and what not. Several factors go into play!

If you are seriously wanting to learn and cut out some of your time on the water "playing" with your units and setup, find someone who does on the water training. IMO it is well worth it or it was for me!!

I have had my equipment for a couple years now and still learn something most every time I go out.
you connect the 2 units together using the high speed data connection, via the nema 0183 protocol. the blue and brown wires need to be connected in a null modem config. the blue of one unit to the brown of the other unit and vice versa. then go into user data and select share user data ON BOTH UNITS.

the ethernet port is for panoptix transducer not for connecting 2 units together, although i believe the newest PLUS models may have enabled that function.

garmins work pretty well set as default out of the box, very simple and intuitive units.

that said, if you want to see fish clearly, set to 455mhz for sidevu and downvu(clearvu) the 800mhz setting shows great detail but the fish returns are weaker. if im looking for cover and structure i run the contrast at 50, when i find something that i like then i raise the contrast to 80 and lower the brightness. you can still see the cover but the fish returns will really pop out.

on 2d, i will run the sensitivity up until i start to see clutter and then turn it down until it disappears. you should have a clear 2d sonar.

as far as scroll speed for side image, leave it on auto. ive tried all of the settings and auto seems to be the best way to go. i always set the depth at the max depth i will be fishing.

side view i run at 60 ft max because a 7 or 9 inch screen really doesnt have enough pixels to be very useful past that range. if im scanning banks i will use a left or right scan only. this brings the scan to fill the while screen, ie, docks.

to map a waypoint, from say a brushpile on sidevu, DO NOT HIT MARK button (this marks the boat position). using the arrow keys move the cursor over the spot you want to map and hit the SELECT key.

a word on transducer mounting. keep the wires away from other wires especially trolling motor wires. if you have a variable speed TM they can cause interference with garmin units. on the transom, it needs to be mounted as horizontal as you can get it. i use a torpedo level, take the boat out and measure the angle as you are trolling both length and width(the boat will chocolate chip cookie to one side with only one person). i use a hand full of pennies under the level until its level at trolling speed. then back at the shop i raise the boat, with the level and pennies under it, until inget a level bubble. then i mount the transducer on the boat, check with a torpedo level to make sure its level and tighten down. what this does is make sure that transducer is perpindicular and level to the bottom at trolling speed for quality side images. use a transducer mounting board so that you can move it left or right if need be.
on moving way points from one brand unit to garmin. if the other unit supports GPX then you can use Homeport software to transfer those points to the new garmin units via an sd card.

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