IMO archery and bow hunting requires a lot of patience.
The slower you go from the pont of deciding which bow to purchase,where to purchase it from, what items to install, what arrows to shoot, stand to shoot from, etc. etc, the better off you will be.
Hunting season is a long way off,and there is plenty of time to be fully prepared. Bow hunting is not a sprint, it's a patience thing.
Find a good local bow shop that will take the time to help you is good advise.
Also, don't draw a bow without an arrow in it,and in a place you can and plan to relese it.
This thing is not a new toy.
The patience thing is even more important when it's time to actually bow hunt. Have to remain calm, in control,and patient.
Seeing a deer, any deer will give you the shakes, before, during and after the first shot.
Or at least is should.
Good luck and slow down.