Different standards for different properties and hunters.
Makes sense.
There is no one size fits all, and
our views change over time.
For me, the only bucks I want to pursue are those at least 5 1/2 yrs old, and with a rack I'd likely find worthy of a shoulder mount.
So long as there is reasonable possibility of seeing such a buck where I'm hunting, I'm very happy with my personal standard, and am not imposing it on anyone else.
I no longer really care much when, like last year, I go "buck-less".
Totally content in the pursuit of what I'm after, and take plenty of doe for the venison.
I believe it is somewhat a paradigm shift in one's mind, as at some point, many hunters find they truly
ENJOY passing up the best young, then the best middle-aged bucks. Maybe it's enjoying the hunting more than the killing.
Maybe I'm just getting lazy & tired of dragging deer out. But I truly do enjoy the hunting as much, or more, now as ever, including when I killed truck loads of deer annually. Today, two or three a year is enough, and they may all be does.
Enjoy the journey