Let's make this SOB famous!!!

Don't forget his 2 employees that killed deer and one a fishing violation. These guys are not military. The hunts have been dramatically cut back over the past 5 years. Use to have 50 people per hunt along with a youth hunt. now it's just 5 archery only hunts and 22 hunters. Kids have to put in against the adults.
This is the sentence I was referencing:

"A high-ranking field officer at Holston Army Ammunition Plant (HSAAP) faces several charges after the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) accused him of illegally shooting and killing a deer on U.S. Army land."

Is the "US Army land" in Kentucky? I thought all of HSAAP was inside Tennessee.
I see them as poachers, but since he is in the position he is in the military, I hope he is punished, but I would not have much hope in much, if any punishment. Some things the TWRA really has no power.
Actually, it DOES MATTER!
In fact, on the "public" hunts there, they MANDATE you kill a doe first,
to "earn" your buck tag.

Of course, such rules would only apply to a lowly citizen or a lowly enlisted person,
never to someone with rank or some special class of politics?

Want to bet none of the deer this poacher killed were female deer?

Well there's the rub. You're conflating civilian rule with military rule. They're different. On a military base, the commander makes the rules. Not you. Not me. Not TWRA. The commander makes the rules. It is not a public hunt. And I would bet dollars to donuts the judge sees it exactly that way as soon as the case is presented.

As for the KY charges, that's a different story & I'll be interested to see how that pans out. If a civilian law was broken he will pay the same consequences anybody else would pay, and he should. I'm not taking up for the guy or justifying his actions. I'm only saying that there's a plausible vindication for at least some of the charges. Taking up pitchforks & torches on a crusade to ruin a guy who has yet to be found guilty seems a bit short sided to me, especially when the only info about it is from an incendiary, vague newspaper report. Like I said in my first post, I'll wait for all the info to be released before jumping to conclusions.
Actually, it DOES MATTER!
In fact, on the "public" hunts there, they MANDATE you kill a doe first,
to "earn" your buck tag.
Not is he was acting as commander and in his mind controlling the deer population. Not much anyone can say or do, the kill a doe first does not apply to him if he spins it as a population control deal.
This is the sentence I was referencing:

"A high-ranking field officer at Holston Army Ammunition Plant (HSAAP) faces several charges after the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) accused him of illegally shooting and killing a deer on U.S. Army land."

Is the "US Army land" in Kentucky? I thought all of HSAAP was inside Tennessee.

That's exactly what has me hesitant to judge him/them. If it was on a base that he commands, then he is the one who makes the rules, not TWRA. Just because TWRA may host & oversee "public" hunts on that base doesn't give them jurisdiction to cite him or anybody else he gave permission/orders to for shooting deer. I'm not saying this is the case. All I'm saying is that it's plausible, and far too early to crucify the guy until the full truth is out.
Isn't this a federal charge since it happened on federal property? A crossbow is a weapon, and unless you are going to or from a range, that is illegal as hell.
I thought it was also. I thought those idiots that got caught poaching all those deer in or near the impact area on Fort Campbell got charged federally. This guy should be held accountable. Guarantee he gets a GOMAR and just retires. What an a$$clown.

I know the guys that got caught on Campbell we're civilians also. Maybe that's why they were charged federally since the Army couldn't use the UCMJ, Court Martial or GOMAR.
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I am a retired Army officer. The LTC might have just kissed his chance for promotion to COL good bye….especially if the story makes the TV and other forms of media. Big Army does not like bad publicity. Especially when many people know about it. Add to the fact that if he broke Federal laws by illegal hunting on Post and the transfer of illegally killed deer across state lines he might have just wiped out any future security clearances. The LTC will probably be LTC Retired very soon and looking for a job in the reply world.
It is interesting to me that State of TN (TWRA) issued the citation, instead of DOI (USFWS). Is that typical for DoD installations? I think not.
Well on Fort Campbell the game Wardens are actually TWRA officers so it would come from them. The Army is a separate story and the individuals command team can request or refer charges through court martial, UCMJ or a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand (GOMAR). A GOMAR may not sound like much, but it is a career killer you 100% will never be promoted again. And chances are high that the next time your records are reviewed for promotion and the GOMAR is seen they will begin separation proceedings.
Well on Fort Campbell the game Wardens are actually TWRA officers so it would come from them. The Army is a separate story and the individuals command team can request or refer charges through court martial, UCMJ or a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand (GOMAR). A GOMAR may not sound like much, but it is a career killer you 100% will never be promoted again. And chances are high that the next time your records are reviewed for promotion and the GOMAR is seen they will begin separation proceedings.
Don't forget that FCKY also has Kentucky State game wardens as well as U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service game wardens. When the poaching ring happened there about 15 years ago, multiple agencies were involved. It wasn't solely TWRA.
Don't forget that FCKY also has Kentucky State game wardens as well as U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service game wardens. When the poaching ring happened there about 15 years ago, multiple agencies were involved. It wasn't solely TWRA.
Very true, but the officers they have there now Corey and Jeremy are from TWRA. Obviously these officers do rotate in and out. And that poaching ring was big so they brought in everyone for it.
Not defending the guy, not condemning him. What ever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty". Lots of folks throughout history have been charged with crimes, only to be exonerated in court later.
He may not be "officially" guilty, but being caught on film seals it for me. The term is also for the legal system, not public opinion, where unfortunately the cases are won or lost most times. The more people hear about, and make noise about, a case, will force a DA to lean one way or another, look what is happening with the bodega thing, seems the guy may, rightly so, be released from charges because of the uproar.
Someone in the know needs to get some addresses to who's presiding or who's in charge and let's flood the place with letters and phone calls . May or help but if they know others feathers are fuffled over this it might change the outcome 😉

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