Lets see everyones turkey killing rigs!!!!!

renegade50 said:
mossyback that is hilarious !!!!!!!!!
death!!!! hahahahahahaahahahahahaahaaa!!!!!

Yeah I had to put some kind of sig on my Po Boy Custom camo job. Actually it says Death 3.0 as my gun shoots 3" mags. LOL
Buckblaster said:
Coach when I became a moderator on another sight, I posted that. with the title "new sheriiff in town" :D

Ha! Good one...I still watch the reruns all the time on TVLand. Here is my real turkey gun..it's heck on targets and fence posts but I still haven't got a turkey with it.

WTM said:
here's mine, ugly and kicks like a mule-kinda like my woman!! but we have taken about 30 or so birds together.

mossberg 500

I have the same camo pattern on my 835. Funny, mine doesnt kick near as hard as my brothers new 835.
mossberg 835, ATI tactical stock, carlsons ported .675 choke. (oem stock went for $55 + shipping on ebay)
Gravey said:
fastbs...Did the ATI tactical stock shorten the length of pull? It looks like it and that would be a good thing for me. If you don't mind me being nosy, where did you get it and how much?
the length is adjustable. in the pic it is at it's shortest which is much shorter than oem stock. sounds like the perfect thing for u. Just google ATI (Advanced Technologies International) stocks, it is the 6 position adjustable(ATI part # MRW4100); usually $60-$75. I think it is the same as mossberg puts on the tactical turkey guns. Take note of the stock drop spacer between the gun and stock (ATI part # MRW4500) this is a must have, you cant get ur eye down to the sights without it. A company called knox makes some awesome stocks that are similar and reduce recoil but $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ so i don't have any experiance with them.
renegade50 said:
that stock looks real sweet fastbs
it has got to weigh more than the plastic hollow factory stock too????
that is an added plus if it does???????
was that the only camo pattern available?????
is that recoil pad on it good and did it come with it???

gotta jot down those part numbers!!!!

might be an upgrade to look into next year or a good christmas present request??????
24 inch barrel version of the tactical turkey

The ati stock doesn't weigh enough to reduce any kick and i would rate the butt pad (kick with 3.5" shells) about the same as oem or maybe a little worse.
The stock comes black they do offer one in camo now but they didn't when i got mine so what you see in the pic is the result of throwing some grass over the stock and spraying some flat tan on it.

I really like the way it handles!! The original plan was to find a thumbhole stock when i stumbled up on what you see.

(pm me if u want more info on it)

Would either like to get this stock sent off and dipped in Advantage camo to match the gun - but like the function of it just like it is.

Here's my son's turkey stomper - although he hasn't bagged one with it yet (I have though :D )

TNhunter said:

Would either like to get this stock sent off and dipped in Advantage camo to match the gun - but like the function of it just like it is.

Here's my son's turkey stomper - although he hasn't bagged one with it yet (I have though :D )


Thats an awesome pic!!!