Lime replacement


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2007
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I have a liqiud pH. control that saves you from hauling lime.
pH.CONTROL is a product specifically designed for use in wildlife food plots. pH. CONTROL corrects soil acidity, maintains chemical balance in soil and increases fertilizer and micronutrient uptake by plants pH. CONTROL not only replaces lime but it works faster and better. One gallon mixed with 2-4 gallons of water will cover 1/2 acre. Apply once per growing season. For pricing or more info call Phil Bradley 731 225 1288 I also make food plot fertilizer, Mineral licks, and fish pond fertilizer. We would be glad to help you get the most from your plots this year
Anyone out there tried this stuff? Just curious how long it lasts, what kind of results you got, etc.
That was my concern, how do you consolidate a ton of lime into a gallon jug and get a long lasting effect.
mcates said:
This stuff was the hot thing a few years ago in Miss., and it turned out to be a joke in terms of it's longevity. No offense to the seller, but I would not spend $40 a ton on this stuff when lime can be delivered and spread for the same price and even less.
Of course a liqiud will not last a long as lime because it takes lime so long to start working. Apply ph. control once per growing season is enough for results.
The advantage is you dont have to haul lime(if you do it yourself) and you dont have to wait a year to see results. The product is designed for foodplots which are often to hard for a spreader to get to . Now if your just putting out lime on a pasture thats different, but spraying a couple gallons sounds easier than hauling lime all day. INSTANT RESULTS!! can lime do that.
MFBAB said:
That was my concern, how do you consolidate a ton of lime into a gallon jug and get a long lasting effect.
Its not consolidated lime,its a concentrated chelated liquid calcium.
This stuff works because I use and have customers who use it including farmer of the year in ARK. The largest sod farmer around loves it. Maybe the folks you know tried something different. I know it may not be the best product for everyone but it does work. Be glad to send you a sample but sounds like you have your mind made up. You dont have to use the product every year just until your desired pH. is reached.
Derived from CaCl2, and Complex Carbohydrates
MFBAB said:
This is getting good...Was this product developed for sod initially or general farming?
This product was developed for PH. control and could be used anywhere ph. control in soil is needed. Do you have stock in or work for the local limestone company? I'm sure we didn't have over 2.8 million in sales by selling products that didn't work and able to stay in business for over 11 years.
Whoa, I'm not trying to argue w/ you, just trying to get a little info on your product and see if it's something I can use. You sound like a great salesman. I'm out of this.
Are you even talking about the same product what active materials are in this watered down lime you hate so much. I am aware that there are different types of lime and some work faster and differ in Ca%, and aware that it takes time for lime to work. How soon you see results may differ for many reasons, rain lack of rain, etc.. Remind me to go great legnths to prove something works just because some folks you know tried something a couple of years ago and didn't like it.(did they even use it correctly) I must have left my phd in lime at the house today thanks for the info. didn't know i needed to back up my jokes with all my knowledge.
It provides Ca to roots to compensate for not being availble in soils where pH is low. Chelated agent E.D.T.A., organic acids,and complex carbs. continue to react in soil to release existing Ca in the soil that can be used to neutralize pH. and increase fertilizer uptake by plants. So for a growing season in a hard to get to plot the product works faster and better than lime.
none of the farmers in the Haywood County area that i know of use the stuff. everyone knows that farmers these days are looking for the best at the least amount of dollars spent. if it was any good at all they would be using it