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Looking for a teacher


Aug 21, 2024
Hello, I'm new to hunting and I don't know where to go or how to break down what I'm looking to catch. I want to go rabbit and coon hunting this season and if anyone is willing to teach I would love to learn. I live in Nashville but I'm okay with driving an hour out. It's a crying shame I grew up in the city and my dad didn't teach me any of this stuff. Finding someone to show me the ropes has been infuriatingly difficult.
I'm not new to firearms though. I've got rifles and shotguns. I've got the scent away, the camo, whistles. I've probably got all the gear, just really want a hands on instructor.
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Hello, I'm new to hunting and I don't know where to go or how to break down what I'm looking to catch. I want to go rabbit and coon hunting this season and if anyone is willing to teach I would love to learn. I live in Nashville but I'm okay with driving an hour out. It's a crying shame I grew up in the city and my dad didn't teach me any of this stuff. Finding someone to show me the ropes has been infuriatingly difficult.
YouTube should be your best friend then. Coon hunting will be tough without a dog. Honestly rabbit hunting will be as well.
I did watch some YT videos on how to clean a rabbit but videos only go so far. Really need hands on experience. I've seen some videos of coon and rabbit hunting w/o dogs and it doesn't look to hard but obviously looks can be deceiving lol
Hello, I'm new to hunting and I don't know where to go or how to break down what I'm looking to catch. I want to go rabbit and coon hunting this season and if anyone is willing to teach I would love to learn. I live in Nashville but I'm okay with driving an hour out. It's a crying shame I grew up in the city and my dad didn't teach me any of this stuff. Finding someone to show me the ropes has been infuriatingly difficult.
You may want to post a little more about yourself. Have you taken hunters ed, do you own a gun, what kind, have you even shot a gun? Or, are you completely green and are looking for someone to get you started?
Welcome, pass on anybody that wants to take you snipe hunting 😝 , 1 trick I learned about rabbit hunting is to shuck the guts out of the rabbits before I put them in my vest, grab them at the lower ribcage and put a choke hold on them, while choking slide your hand down to the legs, all the bad guts will pop out and lighten the load and make them cool off quicker. Good luck and don't get discouraged, join a lease if possible, most of the time the good guys will be more than happy to help you out.
Reading HotelDelta makes me thankful I grew up with a Dad between the rivers (LBL) that could hunt, trap ,fish the man could live off a rock. He could also make some pretty good whiskey but that's another story. I hate it for a lot of the younger generation growing up now that's not taught any of these skills. Good luck finding someone closer that can help you out.
Reading HotelDelta makes me thankful I grew up with a Dad between the rivers (LBL) that could hunt, trap ,fish the man could live off a rock. He could also make some pretty good whiskey but that's another story. I hate it for a lot of the younger generation growing up now that's not taught any of these skills. Good luck finding someone closer that can help you out.
I appreciate it friend! For sure! I'm gonna be sure not to make the same mistake as my dad. My future generations are gonna be outdoorsman if I've got anything to say about it. It's a shame a boy should grow up without learning these skills.
Welcome, pass on anybody that wants to take you snipe hunting 😝 , 1 trick I learned about rabbit hunting is to shuck the guts out of the rabbits before I put them in my vest, grab them at the lower ribcage and put a choke hold on them, while choking slide your hand down to the legs, all the bad guts will pop out and lighten the load and make them cool off quicker. Good luck and don't get discouraged, join a lease if possible, most of the time the good guys will be more than happy to help you out.
What's a lease? That sounds interesting.
What's a lease? That sounds interesting.
Like minded folks lease property to hunt on, it is split between everybody, most of the time it's for small game and big game. There are wma's that are open with no charge past a stamp. your in a good area to find some local help.
If we were closer I would be glad to mentor you. Hope somebody steps up and helps get you started. As someone said, squirrel hunting is your best game to start with. They are plentiful and they will teach you about movement. Both theirs and yours. Good luck.
If we were closer I would be glad to mentor you. Hope somebody steps up and helps get you started. As someone said, squirrel hunting is your best game to start with. They are plentiful and they will teach you about movement. Both theirs and yours. Good luck.
Shoot how far are you from Nashville? Lol
Squirrel hunting is the perfect way to begin, in my opinion. They'll teach you to be still and quiet…..and observe what's happening around you. Coon hunting without a dog? I'm not sure that would be very productive, but I've never tried it. In my younger years, I would follow a Redbone all night and work the next day!
Oh yeah it says your near Chattanooga. I've been there before. I'll take what I can get if you're still up for it I would be very thankful, sir!
Oh yeah it says your near Chattanooga. I've been there before. I'll take what I can get if you're still up for it I would be very thankful, sir!
You can PM me with any questions. And maybe we can meet on a piece of public land and do a squirrel hunt some weekend. The big issue is deer season starts up soon and I don't like to interfere with someone's deer hunt. We'll have to discuss some things. I have a buddy on here @Clintos1980 that lives out your way. Maybe he has a few state land areas we can all get together on and hunt a day or two.