Looking for an aluminum boat

gun nut

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
lawrenceburg tn
Looking for something in the 18 ft range can't decide which one I like the g3,crestliner,seark shadow,xpress xp series any input on any of those boats
I have a g3 18ft and its great. My buddy just sold a 19ft lowe boat. Never considered lowe, but it was a 19 ft, all sea deck, 150 mercury 4-stroke. Awesome boat!! Not your grandpa's aluminum!

I love my older X19
Consider War Eagle, also.
War Eagle makes a bulletproof boat, but they are the worst I've ever seen about boat slap or wave slap. Whatever you want to call it. And it's not just me, they have a reputation where I fish. If someone comes up behind you in a War Eagle trolling into the breeze you pretty much know what brand it is without turning around.
They don't make this model anymore but absolutely love it. It's laid out like a fiberglass and has the high performance hull and a pad. I just put a new 200 Suzuki on it.
