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Lusk Archery Broadhead Reviews?


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2022
Ten Mile
Anyone else watch this guys reviews? How much stock do you put in his ratings? For me; the accuracy, penetration, and how it holds up going through the MDF and to a lesser extent the thin steel are the important parts of his testing (I could care less how it does shooting a concrete block). I watch to see what new broadheads are out if they do really well in those parts of his tests. There have also been those that I was tempted to buy from hearing guys talk about them, then watched his reviews to see them not do so well. I did buy some Sevr's last year based on his reviews; and am very happy with those.

Link to his Youtube - Lusk Archery Adventures
Yeah the concrete is silly. But I like his tests. The flight and penetration and seeing the wound channel is what matters to me. I almost never shoot the same head or arrow a second time so durability isn't a concern. His tests are thorough enough that there's something for everybody.
The concrete test he says in several videos are nothing more than to see weakness in the design / materials used and he doesn't put it as a big portion of the overall grade I think something like 3%

His hog hunting videos are pretty good most the time also

The steel shots are mainly to show how the thickness , angle of the edge and hardness affects it with edge chatter … most name brand broad heads dont break until the concrete
I don't watch TV so if I do watch TV it's mostly YT videos. Of all the people out there doing broadhead reviews I'd say Lusk's videos are probably the best BUT I just have a hard time putting a lot of stock in shooting OSB and cinder blocks. Same goes for ballistic gel. No BH is going to do well in any of those medias.

I can't STAND Ranch Fairy and he is SO bassackwards on anything archery related but shooting a dead animal tells me more than a concrete block or ballistic gel. I just can't get past his spewing ignorance to watch one of his videos. Don't know why he never wonders why everyone else in the country can shoot a pig with a mechanical and/or a sub 600g arrow but him.
I don't watch TV so if I do watch TV it's mostly YT videos. Of all the people out there doing broadhead reviews I'd say Lusk's videos are probably the best BUT I just have a hard time putting a lot of stock in shooting OSB and cinder blocks. Same goes for ballistic gel. No BH is going to do well in any of those medias.

I can't STAND Ranch Fairy and he is SO bassackwards on anything archery related but shooting a dead animal tells me more than a concrete block or ballistic gel. I just can't get past his spewing ignorance to watch one of his videos. Don't know why he never wonders why everyone else in the country can shoot a pig with a mechanical and/or a sub 600g arrow but him.
Nailed it!!
I like John Lusk's videos. He is very thorough and lets the results speak for themselves. His tests were a large reason why I decided to try some Sevr 1.75's.

As for Ranch Fairy, I refuse to believe that what has worked for me since 2006 is insufficient all of a sudden.
I like John Lusk's videos. He is very thorough and lets the results speak for themselves. His tests were a large reason why I decided to try some Sevr 1.75's.

As for Ranch Fairy, I refuse to believe that what has worked for me since 2006 is insufficient all of a sudden.
Ranch fairy reminds me of a sleezy used car salesman with his delivery
I like John Lusk's videos. He is very thorough and lets the results speak for themselves. His tests were a large reason why I decided to try some Sevr 1.75's.

As for Ranch Fairy, I refuse to believe that what has worked for me since 2006 is insufficient all of a sudden.
Check out his reviews of the QAD Exodus. Those things are nearly indestructible and very economical. May be the best bang for the buck (no pun intended) out there.