Man, this really stinks!!

I used to be summoned all the time. Last time when questioning started for selection I found a way to say i didn't believe in suing people and that a major downfall in society was when they started allowing blood sucking attorneys to advertise on tv . Hope I don't jinx myself but it's been many years since it's happened again.
Gee you mean they don't like a truthful person? 😂
I was so looking forward to my first deer season as a retired old man——-being able to hunt whenever I wanted to and mid week if I wanted. But then, ———————I got summoned for jury duty Dec. 6th-20th in the mail today. 😩 😡
Maybe I'll tell them I voted for Trump. And I'll wear a MAGA cap. 😂
Hell yes
You'd be outta there in 15 mins and on stand
Whatever reason/excuse you want to use to not serve (or serve at that time) do not wait until the day you are to report and expect the judge to dismiss you. Judges don't like being surprised or suddenly put in an awkward position. Your notice likely has a number to call with questions, etc. That number will probably be the judge's clerk. S/he might even be able to honor your request but can at least talk to the judge and give him/her the chance to make a decision outside of having to react in front of the courtroom crowd. And rather than ask to be excused, ask to postpone your service because of plans you have already made for this time period.

Did I use the correct pronouns?
Last time I was sent a letter was in the middle of the peak of covid insanity, my high functioning autistic son was home from school due to schools being virtual ass a result of covid, and I was due for a scheduled heart surgery. I called and explained to the clerk, and she dismissed me.

I did have to report to the court once before for jury duty over 20 years ago when I was working second shift in a factory. Judge's instructions were pretty simple. They gave me a number to call the night before I was supposed to come in and it would tell me if I had to come in. I called every time like I was supposed to, and never had to go in. No idea if it's the same here now or not, but you may not be out much time if they don't need you.
When I sat thru "orientation" on Monday, several tried to get out of it. And some did. But the clerk had several plead their case to the judge. Some he excused, but mostly he put them on an emergency panel. But calling ahead would have saved some of these people a lot of headache.
We must have got summoned on the same day. I had a doctor's note due to hip surgery as I couldn't sit that long. Called them a week or so ago, and they excused mine without even seeing the note. It was my first summons and always kind of wanted to do it but not right now. She said my name would be out back into the general draw.
We must have got summoned on the same day. I had a doctor's note due to hip surgery as I couldn't sit that long. Called them a week or so ago, and they excused mine without even seeing the note. It was my first summons and always kind of wanted to do it but not right now. She said my name would be out back into the general draw.
I got it a month ago I guess. Started to lie my way out, but it might give me a needed break. I'm off for the next 3 weeks so it'll be ok
You might get a chance to convict a bad guy. Or stop a phony claimer. The two times I was called it was about how can they scam the insurance company. Both times the insurance company settled before we could reach a verdict and we would have given the plaintiff zippo. Oh well I guess that's business and we can pay mow for insurance.
I don't think it is the big deal most are making it out to be. Just serve and support the process. Without juries, all our fates would be left up to a few government employees.
This will rub a LOT the wrong way but so be it........ Hunting, fishing, bad hair day.......... and ALL other false reasons to not serve should disallow those guilty of such from EVER complaining about the slap on the wrist that criminals get when convicted. If you're not gonna go in and be a part of the process then sit quietly while the consequences otherwise play out in our every day lives.

Now, back to your scheming plan.......
This will rub a LOT the wrong way but so be it........ Hunting, fishing, bad hair day.......... and ALL other false reasons to not serve should disallow those guilty of such from EVER complaining about the slap on the wrist that criminals get when convicted. If you're not gonna go in and be a part of the process then sit quietly while the consequences otherwise play out in our every day lives.

Now, back to your scheming plan.......
Same reason this country is going to hell in a handbag.... everyone sitting around bitching about it....but no one doing anything.