How did we have the great hatch last year? What changed? The weather was better for it, no one can control that. TWRA actually lowered the limit from 5 to 3. 4 and a bonus bird at one point. 4 was too many , I think we all agree. Twra started a 6 year study in counties that had declined to see what was going on, shortened their season and moved it to a two bird limit in those counties. To say they did nothing is not exactly correct. The TWRA simply ask to wait on the information that was coming from a 6 year study that lots of time , effort and money had been put in before making any more changes, to me that seemed like the logical thing to do. We kept saying all those years we were waiting on the information to make more decisions, so why not wait 6 more months? Why didn't we just delay the season 3 years ago if we weren't going to wait on the results and end the study and save time/money. The information came in December and showed a two week delay has no benefits. Also to say the whole state has declined is not exactly correct lots of areas of the state have more turkeys now then they ever have. I see it first hand more birds in the counties I hunt than the last 42 years, I used to have to drive hours to hear one, I couldn't sleep the night before a trip to LBL hunt as finally a chance to hear one possibly. Some areas had a natural turkey explosion as biologist refer and then leveled off to carrying capacity . Other areas didn't take off near as well and are now still climbing it seems. I respect your thoughts and knowledge as I enjoy your post and insights , I hope the two week delay makes a huge difference for the areas that have decline and all of us for that matter. We simply have a difference of opinion, no big deal at all that happens all the time. As of now the Dr. Harper study results shows absolutely no difference in reproductive success between delayed and non delayed areas in TN. That's what I am basing my opinion on, along with the great hatch we just had with no delay, and steadiest harvest numbers in the union since 2000 . If he had come out and said it made a huge difference , more hens got bred etc.... I would be all over it . If Arkansas who has delayed season for years now had birds crawling all over, I am all over it. But for now just seeing the hatch we had with no delay, Mississippi hatch with no delay , makes me believe, Weather, predators and habitat will determine our hatch again this year just like this past one and all previous years since 1986 when we had the same opening dates.I am not alone with this opinion as many biologist and hunters feel that same way. I promise this if evidence changes and makes me believe the two week delay is needed and has benefits , I will always be man enough to admit when my thoughts are wrong . As far as limit goes two doesn't bother me at all but the actual facts are 70 percent of people only killed 1, over 90 percent 1 or 2. A very small percentage killed 3 . TWRA presented these facts at the meeting, you actually aren't making any difference that matters by changing the limit. Besides that if the two week theory is correct most hens are bred, so why reduce the limit? Gobblers have done their business, that is the theory as I understand it. Again it's just a difference of opinion, I guarantee I care as much and will do anything to make sure our turkeys are here for future generations but I just do not agree with the delay at this point with no evidence it helps with anything. I think if they had just went with the original motion to move the season back 1 week at the meeting, the commission wouldn't be getting the pushback they are now as was evident from the meeting above. Juvenile would have been this weekend, with season April 8th, to me that was a great compromise for all involved. It's over now so come on April 15th!