Oh. My. GOSH! I have never shot in such terrible wind conditions in my life! It was terrible! The wind never let up, and only gusted harder at times, and it was cold! The weather igmos really missed this one bc it wasn't anywhere NEAR 70+ degrees out there, more like 40 and hurricane force winds! Anyway, we all had to endure the wrath of the wind and the match went on as planned. @wayne was there early he said, eager to show Mother Nature he wasn't Skeered LOL and @EastTNHunter brought his beautiful daughter out to observe and hopefully come back to shoot in another match soon. We had 20 shooters, and it was a mad house trying to stay organized when the match director had to leave suddenly to take care of a family health emergency, but we muddled our way thru it and made it to the end. This was probably one of the largest turnouts to date that they've had out there, and hoping more will come join in the fun, at least with the weather getting better that is
It was good to see you @wayne and @EastTNHunter and to meet your lovely daughter! Hope to see everyone back out to the next one!