Mathews monster 7.0 or bowtech invasion


Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
I am a bowtech man. Had a destroyer 350 and the night before I leave to go bowhunting in Kentucky the lower limb shattered. This is the second time something has happened the first was the string rolled of the cams. The bowtech service on the limb shattering took almost a month to get back luckily I had a buddy with same bow and draw length. Looking at getting a monster 7 after this year see what people think. I have shot the invasion and don't like it.
The bad thing about it I have killed a 10 that scored 136 1/8 and a 9 that was 125 3/4 and 4 does but I guess I don't like the service that bowtech gives because it is horrible. It's like after you give $900 for a bow sorry about your luck whatever happens it's yours
Yep you answered your own inquiry. Customer service problems is why several shops dropped them locally.

The MR series is a good bow. There is quite a noticeable difference between the one that came out a couple yrs ago and the 2011 & 2012s. They changed the limb angles and a few other things. The MR series is smoother drawing and not as jumpy on the shot. In other words in my opinion, the MR7 is a better bow than the Monster 7.0 even though their both considered Monsters.
alot of people are looking at other companies as well, i have had a bowtech,mathews,alpine archery,pearson but my next bow i hope is a elite or a pse evo. i liked my mathews and pearson the most, but i like change. go with the one you shoot the best and feels right in your hands
I Ed ably to shyly the monster mr7 yesterday. It is pretty smooth drawing bow. Shot good but I want to wait and see the new bowtech and see what it's like but the monster is a smooth bow
People with fast customer service are expecting that they will have issues with there product. But in bows most problems are due to the fact that they are man made. Poor workmanship, and craftsmanship can ruin alot of business's.
I really like Bowtech. The fact you have to send product all the way to Oregon to get it repaired takes some time.

Look around you may find something that feels better to you... look at the Elite and Strothers.

But you topic asked about the invasion vs monster...
INVASION hands down. If I were going to look into Matthews, the Z7 shoots sweet!