Mathews Quiver price


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2001
Reaction score
Moss, Tennessee
Does anyone know what a camo T5 quiver runs new? I got a used one I can buy but I don't know how good of a deal it would be.
Very expensive but I don't remember how much. I just know I picked one up, really liked it, looked at the price, whistled and put it right back up.
I really like the arrow web I have on my Outback. I bought a DXT last weekend so I think I am going to get a T5. I know they are high but I just really like the riser mount. I am waiting on some pics. Its supposed to be in excellent shape. He wants $90 tmd. So I guess that's probably about as good a deal as I will find.
I'm thinking as short as the DXT is, it will be like my Bow Madness XS. If I use a kwikee or some other kind that mounts to the sights, if it doesn't have height adjustment, the arrows will probably stick down below the cam a pretty good piece. Plus after using the arrow web, I'm not crazy about the quiver mounting to my sights anymore.
TheAirMan said:
I'm thinking as short as the DXT is, it will be like my Bow Madness XS. If I use a kwikee or some other kind that mounts to the sights, if it doesn't have height adjustment, the arrows will probably stick down below the cam a pretty good piece. Plus after using the arrow web, I'm not crazy about the quiver mounting to my sights anymore.

for $100 difference in price, i can deal with it. i rarely shoot with the quiver attached to the bow anyway.
Different strokes for different folks. The only way I would shoot with the quiver attached is if I happened up on one walking in or out. However, I still don't like the arrows hanging down below the bow or one attached to the sights. For $100 difference, I would rather have it the way I want it and not have to deal with anything.
I quit using a quiver. I keep the arrows in a small backpack that I carry in and hang on my treestand. I DO NOT put the pack on my back I carry it in hanging from a finger in my bow hand.
I have the dxt with the mathews t5 quiver and my arrows dont stick below my cam.I would never use a quiver that mounts to my sight!!!!!
I just don't like a quiver mounted to the sights after using the arrow web on my Outback. One thing I like it keep the quiver closer to the bow so it doesn't feel side heavy. Which really wouldn't matter if you take your quiver off. Also, you don't have a bracket screwed to your sights, which I like.
because i dont like the tugging/moving motion focused directly on my sight while taking the quiver off or putting it on. Thats why i only use the Mathews quivers for all of my bows.I shoot out to 70 yards, so the last thing i want is anything touching my sight!
tree limb quivers attach to your sight area but are very adjustable up or down and can be removed and hung.Great for around $25 to 40.Light weight to.have it on my Mathews Switchback.
Sorry that its upside down. Anyways...