
LCU stirred a hornets nest on this one. I got my coin on some of these goober no name bow shooters :grin:
Oh yeah...since I posted my post I was reminded of something.

How many of you guys saw the Mathews invitational shoots? Where all the TV personalities and pro shooters gather to do some friendly competition...shooting for ATVs, trucks, and other prizes? Well that should have been an eye opener to anybody that watched. They done a lot of shooting with the little Genesis bow but in a segment or two, they got to use their own setups to shoot the steel deer targets. If they didn't hit the kill zone spot (it looked about the size of a softball) they ruined an arrow. Keep in mind most all of those people were sponsored Mathews shooters that hunt for a living or shoot competition for a living. And after the first round how many were left standing in the latest one? I think there were only 4 or 5 out of who knows how many. I remember back in the day when 3D shooters could consistently hit shotgun shell brass at 40 and 50 yds. And these people couldn't hit a softball size spot?!
those are hunting celebs.
Not comp archery shooters.

Big difference.

The best bow hunter I know can't win a comp. But he has killed game all over the world.

I bow hunt to kill game.
My Mathews performs.
Well I do know a great hunter has at least 9 entries in the P&Y book for White tail and prong horn, and he shoots for the Bowtech Pro staff. Pro Staff not hunting staff.

My point is that there are people that can acomlish both. LCU Just because you haven't met any body that can do that doesn't mean it can't be done.
I shoot a Mathews because I like it.AND....i wear pink panties sometimes:D
On a serious note,I shoot with a lot of women at ASA's that flat wear it out with all different brands of bows.I will brag on my bow because I love it,not because I shoot it well(I am mediocre but I have a blast).Form is the key to good shooting.
LCU you are so wrapped up with bragging about your equipment and putting other brands down that you can't even have a decent discussion.

Maybe you should hang out more on the "Deer Hunting Gear" section of the forums.
I have no idea why comments about a Mathews bow get's so many so upset.
Is a Mathews bow the best bow in the world?
I have no idea, but probably not.

Does Mathews outspend other bow mfgs, on TV and print ads?
I have no idea, but probably yes.

etc. etc.

I bought a used 07 Dren off of AT,and I like it a lot.
That's about it guys.
LCU said:
I have no idea why comments about a Mathews bow get's so many so upset.
Is a Mathews bow the best bow in the world?
I have no idea, but probably not.

Does Mathews outspend other bow mfgs, on TV and print ads?
I have no idea, but probably yes.

etc. etc.

I bought a used 07 Dren off of AT,and I like it a lot.
That's about it guys.

It 's the comments you made about the other brands being "off brands" compared to your Mathews . It's just another bow , that's it . Your comments are what everyone hates about some Mathews shooters . Get it ?
For a guy who said you have rifle hunted only before picking up a bow this season , you sure are cocky . Bowhunting has a pretty good learning curve .
No reason to hate anyone over a Mathews bow.
It's not all that serious to me Radar.
Then I will stop the Mathews opinions.
No reason to make this an issue.
It's just hunting.
LCU said:
Then I will stop the Mathews opinions.
No reason to make this an issue.
It's just hunting.

How can you tell some one to calm down when you are the one that makes statement like the ones you do.

I believe you are the one who has made this whole thing "an issue"

BTW hate is an awful accusation
Didn't intend to get any hate out of this.
I thought it was all in good fun.

I'll drop all Mathews stuff.

I bought a used Drenalin,and like it.
I think they make good bows.
Thats about as serious as it is to me.

Sorry if I offended anyone.

Messages do not show the tone that statements or comments are.
If you heard me saying what I write you might take it differently.

really sorry.
This is a great topic, i luv it! This year I've sold my PSE, Oneida, HCA and recently my last years Mathews to a preppy freind that has more money than he needed at the time.
Still got the BowTech tho. Took a MI buck with it on the 21st at 52 steps. Nothing wrong with the Mathews except i coulnd't get my acuracy with it out to fifty yards like i could with the BowTech.
How bout we all get together for a fifty yard plus shootout?? should sort out all the BS huh? I might even bring my old Bear Polar. :~)