I can agree with some of this, especially the "divide into units" piece, but I cannot agree that ".........while most are not".
For this past 2021 season, 46 (almost half) of the counties checked in 0-300 birds, 23 counties 300-400, 17 counties 400-600, 6 counties 600-800, and the same top 3 counties 800-1300. Since most like to look at harvest data as indicator of pre-season standing flock, and a reliable indicator for managing turkeys and setting bag limits, I think it is easy to see that 69 of the 95 counties (72%) are not setting the woods on fire. In essence, the top 34 counties (roughly 1/3) account for 50% of the season harvest. It is obvious to me that managing the State as several units with different criteria needs to be looked into more.