It may just be a coyote to some, but the Lord truly blessed me this morning. I have been blessed to have taken a good buck earlier in the season, but this morning was special! I was driving to my spot this morning listening to moody radio and just talking with the Lord like I do. Well, I just spit it out about how I haven't seen a coyote while hunting since before my brothers accident in 2009. So 14 years.
I say it would be cool to see one or get a shot at one since I have never killed one myself. Well, I get to my parking spot, say a quick prayer and head into the woods. Fast forward to about 8:30 or so and I look behind me to see one sneaking through the woods. I shot a dropped him in his tracks.
I sat there for a second and went to get him and get him out of my area because I'm just OCD like that.
I got back to my truck headed home and was thinking about how truly blessed I am to have a relationship with my Heavenly Father.
Moral of the story is, we can go to God confidently and ask anything of Him and if it is His will and He will undoubtedly answer. We just have to be still and actively looking and listening for His answer. May not always happen that quickly but He will answer.
Thank you Lord for the relationship I have with you. As well as another opportunity to do what I love and for having the abilities to go.
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