Mid Tenn Rimfire Shooters March .22 LR Rimfire match

I'll take that! 👍🏼
I have a feeling it is going to be really windy Saturday. Guess I need to do some practice in this wind one day this week and see if I can figure it out. I have not scratched the surface of calling the wind yet. Something we don't have to deal with in the pistol games.
It was a good turnout last match, with deplorable conditions to boot. 😩 People were asking me "is it always like this up here?" 😟
Wind always blows on that mountain. I may run up there tomorrow afternoon after work and lob a few in there at 100. I need to try out 100 with the CZ.
Got my ammo box ready for Saturday. Only the best.
A day and a wake up! Who's going to be able to make it? I'm still planning to be out there but looks like there may be a little wind kicking up again. 😬

Btw, you guys are welcome to come check it out even if you're not planning to shoot that day. We've had several recon the event before making plans to come back to shoot. 👍🏼
A day and a wake up! Who's going to be able to make it? I'm still planning to be out there but looks like there may be a little wind kicking up again. 😬

Btw, you guys are welcome to come check it out even if you're not planning to shoot that day. We've had several recon the event before making plans to come back to shoot. 👍🏼
I will be there.
I'm up. Been awake since before 2 actually, trying to go back to sleep but it just wasn't happening.
@MUP, where do I find the rules about the different classes, equipment, scopes, ammo, etc?
No rules, shoot what you've got, and they shoot 3 rounds, 50, 75, and 100 yards at different targets. They might have the description on their FB page, Middle Tennessee Rimfire Shooters. They explain the rules at the beginning of each match.
26 shooters today. I think it was a new record. I shot terrible but had a blast and got to meet a lot of great folks. It was great to finally get to meet MUP in person. He is a great guy. The wind really jacked me up bad. Hope to do much better next time.
Well, I shot one of, if not THE worst match I've ever shot today. I was doing fair, I think 3rd place after the first round, dropped off a little in the 2nd, and then after I shot the 3rd bull on the 100 yard round the 4th shot went 1-1/2" left. Ok, wind was blowing so maybe I missed it, waited, held off and shot, same poi nearly after holding more wind. Waited again for the wind to get favorable, held off, shot, still way left. And from that point I couldn't hit anything. It's possible I was just not seeing the wind, but I had been shooting in it up until this point and doing fair, then it all fell apart. Couple things to check, the torque settings on everything, and, this rifle likes a light fouling before settling in, but I don't for sure know the limits before it begins to fall off after so many rounds, so I had shot several rounds in practice, and had decided I would leave it dirty to start the match, then clean it before the 100 yard round. But, I had forgotten my cleaning accessories and had to keep shooting with the barrel getting dirtier as I went, so it's possible it just fell off at the worst possible time, right at the last round. I'll find the issue tho. @Jon did you pick up on a few things for your first trip out there buddy?
Well, I shot one of, if not THE worst match I've ever shot today. I was doing fair, I think 3rd place after the first round, dropped off a little in the 2nd, and then after I shot the 3rd bull on the 100 yard round the 4th shot went 1-1/2" left. Ok, wind was blowing so maybe I missed it, waited, held off and shot, same poi nearly after holding more wind. Waited again for the wind to get favorable, held off, shot, still way left. And from that point I couldn't hit anything. It's possible I was just not seeing the wind, but I had been shooting in it up until this point and doing fair, then it all fell apart. Couple things to check, the torque settings on everything, and, this rifle likes a light fouling before settling in, but I don't for sure know the limits before it begins to fall off after so many rounds, so I had shot several rounds in practice, and had decided I would leave it dirty to start the match, then clean it before the 100 yard round. But, I had forgotten my cleaning accessories and had to keep shooting with the barrel getting dirtier as I went, so it's possible it just fell off at the worst possible time, right at the last round. I'll find the issue tho. @Jon did you pick up on a few things for your first trip out there buddy?
I sure did. Learned a lot watching everyone and certainly learned I need wind practice 😜. I'm going to start going up there and practicing and see if that helps. I have never seen wind deflection on a bullet like I experienced today.