Milan Volunteer Training Area

No offense, but glad I did not apply for this hunt. I attended the old safety briefings.

With empty bunkers, it would seem to me that a safety briefing could be best administered by a PPT movie and an easy test from a person's home. There are some other govt. facilities that do it. That would be my suggestion for the future...and make sure people know they have to take the safety briefing prior to applying. And, get rid of the archery area only outside the fence....makes zero sense.
Just fyi, a lot of these requirements weren't imposed by the Milan Training Site, it came from up above us. Thank you for your input, but this hunt is primarily being handled by the TWRA with our assistance as the host.
Just fyi, a lot of these requirements weren't imposed by the Milan Training Site, it came from up above us. Thank you for your input, but this hunt is primarily being handled by the TWRA with our assistance as the host.
Sounds like TWRA is causing the problem...starting with not letting anyone know they would need to attend a mandatory safety briefing prior to applying.

Thanks for what you do. I loved hunting there.
For those of you that are attending the briefing next week 18-22 September, once you arrive you'll need to come in on the Lavinia side. The gate is located on the road next to Drifter's Diner "Gate 1". You'll follow the orange cones that will have signs attached for directions. Park in the gravel parking lot and sign in with either myself (SSG Dustin Wallace) or Jenna Garrett. We will conduct the briefings, give you the necessary gate codes for your specific hunt dates, and answer any questions that we can.
I'm hoping I'll be able to make it one day next week. Had some things come up and may not be able, but I plan to do my best.
I'm not exactly sure what the TWRA has emailed out to everyone, but without briefing attendance, you will not have any access to the Milan Training Site during hunting days.

At the briefings we will be issuing out gate codes for entry through the Graball Gate (across from Milan Lowes) for your specific hunt dates as these codes are only active for specific timeframes. Gates will be closed otherwise.
These briefings include the archery only zones also? Im in the middle of the gulf of mexico on a drill ship so no way ill make the breifings if they are mandatory.
Can the briefings be done during our designated scout days or is September 18th-22nd the only time the briefings will take place?
dwallace33 - thank you for assisting on this forum, much appreciated. I hope the level of detail you provide here reaches a broader audience outside of this forum, particularly the successful applicants that were drawn and are still in the dark on details of their hunt, like my best friend who I am having to assist (he's not on TnDeer and not very computer savvy).

Question of clarification: DeerCamp's permit screenshot above says "*** All hunters must contact Range Control during the designated scout dates for a mandatory safety briefing and to obtain the Graball gate code. ***"

What is a good phone number for Range Control?
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Your designated scout days are when your briefing takes place. There will be another timeframe in November I believe.
Is it possible for a hunter to take the mandatory training EARLIER than his scout dates if it were more convenient for the hunter? Example: hunter drawn for November deer hunt, but his calendar is free next week (Sep. 18-22) and he attend one of those days.
dwallace33 - thank you for assisting on this forum, much appreciated. I hope the level of detail you provide here reaches a broader audience outside of this forum, particularly the successful applicants that were drawn and are still in the dark on details of their hunt, like my best friend who I am having to assist (he's not on TnDeer and not very computer savvy).

Question of clarification: DeerCamp's permit screenshot above says "*** All hunters must contact Range Control during the designated scout dates for a mandatory safety briefing and to obtain the Graball gate code. ***"

What is a good phone number for Range Control?
615-426-5935 (24/7 & My government cell) or 731-697-0227 (Weekend crew only)
dwallace33 - I called 615 number above two times today and got voicemail for SGT Chad Marlow, Training Site Lavinia. Also, the voicemail was full.

** Furthermore, in hopes of increasing maximum participation for all selected hunters, I spoke with TWRA Region 1 WMA Coordinator this afternoon and he stated "successful applicants that were drawn for Milan" could attend any safety brief BEFORE their hunt dates, not just their scout dates, like the TWRA permit shows. This in itself should increase opportunity and likelihood that successful applicants attend the safety briefing before their hunt dates. **
dwallace33 - I called 615 number above two times today and got voicemail for SGT Chad Marlow, Training Site Lavinia. Also, the voicemail was full.

** Furthermore, in hopes of increasing maximum participation for all selected hunters, I spoke with TWRA Region 1 WMA Coordinator this afternoon and he stated "successful applicants that were drawn for Milan" could attend any safety brief BEFORE their hunt dates, not just their scout dates, like the TWRA permit shows. This in itself should increase opportunity and likelihood that successful applicants attend the safety briefing before their hunt dates. **
I was out of town today for a wedding. Chad Marlow was my predecessor at that number. The alternate number 731-697-0227 is on a charger at my home since I'll be out on Monday.

Jenna Garrett will be there Monday to give the briefs and intake of paperwork/verification of documents. She will have my cell phone that day 615-426-5935 for any inquiries & I'll have the 0227 phone with me.
I have a friend who worked there for yrs, hunted it for years. Spent many evenings riding the roads, glassing, had access to areas the public never got to hunt. He also worked the check in stations . Was never known to produce really good deer antler wise. He told me he could only recall maybe a couple in all his yrs working there that scored over 140. Just has never been a trophy area. No way would l trade my points for PI., to go on this hunt. Not trying to run it down, but just being honest. Good luck to all
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I was out of town today for a wedding. Chad Marlow was my predecessor at that number. The alternate number 731-697-0227 is on a charger at my home since I'll be out on Monday.

Jenna Garrett will be there Monday to give the briefs and intake of paperwork/verification of documents. She will have my cell phone that day 615-426-5935 for any inquiries & I'll have the 0227 phone with me.
Seargent Wallace.

Just wanted to say thank you for all your work in helping this hunt happen and information you provided.

You've been very helpful!

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