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Mock Scrapes

Do you use mock scrapes? If so what are some tips and tricks you have for them? placement, when do you place them, do you use any product, do you hang ropes or limbs, types of trees, ect..
I try to find perfectly placed limb naturally, but I would not be opposed to pulling down a branch to get it lower to the ground. Beyond that, I start creating mock scrapes about the time they naturally start showing up, which in my areas is mid to late September. I use my own urine, although the older I get, the less effective it is (lower testosterone content). If you have one around, use a young man in his 20-30s to pee in your mock scrapes (and that's not a joke).

As for location, I look for areas that look perfect for a scrape, but one doesn't exist yet. Places that are high on my list are staging areas into feeding areas and convergence points of terrain features that are favored for deer travel.
I try to find perfectly placed limb naturally, but I would not be opposed to pulling down a branch to get it lower to the ground. Beyond that, I start creating mock scrapes about the time they naturally start showing up, which in my areas is mid to late September. I use my own urine, although the older I get, the less effective it is (lower testosterone content). If you have one around, use a young man in his 20-30s to pee in your mock scrapes (and that's not a joke).

As for location, I look for areas that look perfect for a scrape, but one doesn't exist yet. Places that are high on my list are staging areas into feeding areas and convergence points of terrain features that are favored for deer travel.
Amen to the testosterone theory! My son(23) will get tripple the bucks in his scrapes than i do(48)
I make lots of mock scrapes. I put them pretty much on every habitat enhancement and anywhere I hang a stand. They work.
I do tend to have mock scrapes where I have a several stands. I'm not hunting over the scrape, it's just that I put both of them there because it's a high-traffic area.
Amen to the testosterone theory! My son(23) will get tripple the bucks in his scrapes than i do(48)
Maybe that's why they don't even sniff at my scrape (70) ☹️ . J/K I virtually leave them alone but have pizzed in them, rarely do I hunt near a scrape unless it just happens to be where I was going to hunt anyway . I'm satisfied the first buck I killed last year was headed to a scrape near my stand. I just try to dodge all trails , rubs and scrapes when I get close to my stand. I'm a firm believer in the less scent you disperse is all the better if possible.
I used to be paranoid as heck about pissing in the woods near my hunting spots. I was a bottle pisser back then. I just let it fly now, and hate when it's not in a scrape.
Do you use mock scrapes? If so what are some tips and tricks you have for them? placement, when do you place them, do you use any product, do you hang ropes or limbs, types of trees, ect..
Yes, I use them every year. I have had really good results with active scrape used with scrape drippers. I hang one from the same oak limb every year. I also dip the licking branch in active scrape when I start it. A licking branch can be any limb a little above a deer's head level where they will reach to chew on it. Oaks seem to work well here. Bend over the limb above the scrape, breaking it without breaking it off.

I start scrapes and bucks take them over. Still do some with my own urine as well.
I do tend to have mock scrapes where I have a several stands. I'm not hunting over the scrape, it's just that I put both of them there because it's a high-traffic area.

Same reason here except I hunt over them. I put them at every stand site just for the hope they'll stop at it and distract them for a few seconds so I can draw and aim.

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