Morning Or Evening?

Have seen deer both morning and evening, more in the morning though. Prefer to hunt mornings. Killed 95 percent of my deer in the mornings.
according to my records going back to 2007 when i started hunting. I've killed 10, what i would consider, quality bucks. 3 am bucks, 1 midday and 6 evening.
many factors play into this. i've shot a few early season bucks on the list. all in the evening. if you get into the "November" months, it evens out a little more.
My theory... get in the woods all you can in November. am, midday, pm.... just get out there. the worst that can happen is you spend a few extra hours enjoying the peace that our good Lord has chosen to allow us to partake.
My biggest buck, by weight, was shot in the afternoon at 410 pm in November. Fortunate to process and freeze 70 pounds of meat