Morons that say.......

Well when valuable players like MATT Corralare getting a injury due to no protection and players opting out .... there's your answer.

So I'm understanding you're saying bowls that don't mean anything to you (i.e. bama isn't playing in them) are unnecessary because somebody gets hurt?? Matt Corral is a competitor. He knows the risk he takes when he gets on the field. I respect him for that. I don't really agree with players opting out but I understand why they do. I gotta ask though and I think I probably know the answer……are you able to even hold a civil, intelligent conversation with friends, family, co-workers, etc. who aren't bama fans? I'm just making a guess you do most of your talking behind a screen. Why don't you post a pic of you in your bama attire or in Tuscaloosa? I'd say it's probably because you want to hide your identity so it's easier for you to talk smack on here. I'd say your acquaintances in person may not even know youre a bama fan. Prove me wrong.
Ohio State beat Washington 28-23 in the 2019 Rose Bowl. I don't need Google. I can probably tell you the scores of the 1969, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1980 ……… Rose Bowls.
pulp fiction check out the big brain on brett GIF
So I'm understanding you're saying bowls that don't mean anything to you (i.e. bama isn't playing in them) are unnecessary because somebody gets hurt?? Matt Corral is a competitor. He knows the risk he takes when he gets on the field. I respect him for that. I don't really agree with players opting out but I understand why they do. I gotta ask though and I think I probably know the answer……are you able to even hold a civil, intelligent conversation with friends, family, co-workers, etc. who aren't bama fans? I'm just making a guess you do most of your talking behind a screen. Why don't you post a pic of you in your bama attire or in Tuscaloosa? I'd say it's probably because you want to hide your identity so it's easier for you to talk smack on here. I'd say your acquaintances in person may not even know youre a bama fan. Prove me wrong.
LOL I would say more than half my friends are vols fans and the rest are a mix of ALABAMA , GT, Ole Miss and Florida fans. I even have two Michican fans hanging around. Trust me when I say we talk the same smack about football when we get together that I do on here. In person it might get even more extreme because your doing prop bets on just about anything related to football all the time. I have said this before on here I have never said anything to anyone on here I would not say over a campfire. You seldom if ever see me resort to calling people names. I may have called someone sparky or Clyde a couple of times just to be funny. But never resorted to some of the kindergarten tactics that some of the people have done on here.

As to Bowls MAtt Corral is the perfect example of why the bowl game series should NEVER Happen. The Season is over the teams They have not met in several weeks. They are out of tempo. Some of the key players may/are missing and it leaves spots open where pine riders have to step up. QB RB or other key players who are use to certain protections suddenly don't have those protection. They are out there vulnerable to these type of injuries. MAtt Corral may have just blown away millions and a career in the NFL. WHY? For a game that was post season,,that did not mean a darn thing in the real world..that really did not help the team in terms of recruiting (especially when you LOSE) . Notice I typed LOSE in capitol letters.
So you are trolling us by going berserk, elevating your blood pressure to stroke level, and banging on your keyboard like a maniac every time someone mentions alabama? 🤣

You have to admit that, even though it was extreme, he did GET you :D !
And, btw, Corral rolled his ankle.

But, I'll be honest, IF I were in his shoes, I would also play, but I'd have one of those insurance policies that covers future loss of income.
Well, whadda ya know. Turns out to the rest of college football America, the Rose Bowl and other NY6 aren't meaningless. Turns out the Rose Bowl TV audience compared to the Alabama/Cincinnati CFP semifinal. Both games 16.6 million viewers. UGA/UM 600K more.

Well, whadda ya know. Turns out to the rest of college football America, the Rose Bowl and other NY6 aren't meaningless. Turns out the Rose Bowl TV audience compared to the Alabama/Cincinnati CFP semifinal. Both games 16.6 million viewers. UGA/UM 600K more.

But but no one will remember it in 2 years, so therefore it don't matter.
I assure you my IQ is above average and certainly pond scum, but I don't see the relevance in the bowl games other than the CFP bowls and NC anymore.

That doesn't mean they shouldn't play them or they are bad games, but when kids are opting out (stay tuned that will happen in the CFP and NC soon enough) it is not a good representation of what the teams were in the regular season when the bowls were set. Used to be we looked forward to bowl games so we could determine which conference was "better" a lot of that is lost now due to last minute transfers and people refusing to play.
If you are not a player or relative then it Danny matter what admitting thinks. These kids work their tails off (some for 4 years) then you have weirdos (they know who they are) that think they don't matter. Just Bcse that person never played any competitive sport ever but act like they are on the team or meeting at the 50 days enough about those weirdos.