Most shots heard in one day??


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2024
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I think in 1987.. opening morning of gun season in Giles county.. i counted 47 individual shots… have not heard anything close to that since then… but today, since 3 pm.. I've heard 9 different shots..
I count shots from daylight to 8 am on the opening morning of KY rifle. Most I remember was 90 something probably 10-12 years ago. Now it's usually in the 30-40's.
Tens of Thousands. operation anaconda, Those mountains in Afghanistan were a total light show day and night, in early march 2002.

Between the countless amount of aircraft going off with all types of munitions and j dams and us lobbing mortars and small arms fire it was a true cacophony.

I can hear I 240 in Memphis, it cranks up at times too. Like someone else said new years, june 19th and fourth of july there's plenty of shots going off.
Opening morning of KY rifle season in 2011, I heard close to 100 including 4 or 5 before legal light. I remember hearing one well before daylight as I got to the base of my tree to climb.

Around here, I've heard a bunch of I hear over 10.
IIRC, opening morning of gun season 2001.

I lost track of the number of shots (probably 40 or so), but it sounded like duck hunting volume. I also had to finish off a buck that came over on us from the direction of one of the volleys.

I do remember there was a large number of newly installed shooting houses overlooking huge crop fields that year and visible from the road. Seems most of the shooting was coming from those, and some public nearby.
Never actually counted them, but back in the day when Chuck Swan had a super high deer density, it was unbelievable! The first morning of the first gun hunt sounded like a foreign invasion was being repelled back in the Chapel! 😂 It was actually a little dangerous at times. Those were the good old days.
Never actually counted them, but back in the day when Chuck Swan had a super high deer density, it was unbelievable! The first morning of the first gun hunt sounded like a foreign invasion was being repelled back in the Chapel! 😂 It was actually a little dangerous at times. Those were the good old days.
Definitely 😂
I think in 1987.. opening morning of gun season in Giles county.. i counted 47 individual shots… have not heard anything close to that since then… but today, since 3 pm.. I've heard 9 different shots..
Don't know how many but the first day of my first either sex hunt in Giles Co . It seemed like the beginning of daybreak or a little early it never stopped until about 11:00 am . I believe it only stopped then because people were tired. On that first lease in Northern Giles I would guess we all shot about 30 - 40 times ourselves . There were two brothers that killed six between themselves . Deer where running everywhere up there and it was like a dove hunt ....the deer just kept circling in those fields . There were alot of people on that lease .
We do a hunt at a state park they host using dpop tags to control the herd inside the park. Your allowed 2 doe a day. It's a 2 day hunt. Usually that first day sounds like a war zone. The deer just bounce around all day from stand to stand. It's a pretty fun hunt.
I hunted big south fork in the late 80s. No idea how many shots I heard. It was in the hundreds if not more. I heard numerous people shoot 4 or 5 shots in a row. Had a guy come into our camp looking for someone that shot at him. He was dressed in blaze from head to toe. I think he said he had been shot 3 times while deer hunting there though the years.