Muzzleloader hit no blood

Yes, shot a Target buck a few years ago the first morning of muzzleloader, walked the trail he took and nothing. went back and got my backpack and tree stand and figured I would move over a few ridged due to boogering the spot up and found him. No blood or hair at all
Add me to the Hornady XTP club. Is hoot the 240 grain bullet. Killed a buck 2 years ago and shot him right at dark at about 50 yards. No blood so waites til the next morning and started walking the way he ran. 75 yards or so into the woods it looked like a bucket of red paint had been poured. Guessing it took that long for the cavity to fill with blood but then Ray Charles could follow it. Hope you find him.
When I used a muzzleloader, it seems I had to go looking for my deer much more often. I always assumed big heavy half inch round meant they would fall faster. When I used a Marlin .357 mag, seems they usually fell where they were shot, but then 60 yards would have been a long shot for me.